Users' questions

Do dentists take Medi-Cal?

Do dentists take Medi-Cal?

Does Medi-Cal Cover Dental? Yes, Medi-Cal covers a wide range of dental services through their Medi-Cal Dental Program. This benefit is included with your Medi-Cal coverage at little to no cost to you. To access Medi-Cal’s dental services, you can visit a Medi-Cal dental provider.

Is Medi-Cal and Medi-Cal dental the same?

Does Aspen Dental take Medi-Cal?

Do you accept Medicaid/Medicare, etc.? Aspen Dental offices do not work with these programs. They do, however, accept most other insurance plans, and offer a range of flexible, affordable payment plans.

Do I have to pay Medi-Cal back?

Yes, a person who had part or all of their medical care covered under California MediCal has to pay back MediCal at the time of settlement from the settlement funds. If not, then MediCal can go after the person legally to pursue those funds.

Is Deep Cleaning covered by Medi-Cal?

For patients with gum disease, Denti-Cal also will cover “scaling and root planing,” which is a deep cleaning below the gum line that can help reduce infections in the mouth, Abelson says. That means any remaining teeth have to be pulled before patients can qualify, Hirota says.

What dental work is covered by medical card?

Medical card holders are entitled to a free dental examination in each calendar year, as well as any extractions that are required. One first-stage endodontic (root canal) treatment is also available each year for teeth at the front of the mouth. Two fillings are free in each calendar year.

What is the Medi-Cal income limit for 2020?

Qualifications: An individual earning under $17,237 a year or a family of four with an annual household income less than $35,535 qualifies for Medi-Cal.

How much is a deep cleaning Denti-Cal?

For example, the maximum Denti-Cal reimbursement for scaling and root planing—a deep cleaning of teeth below the gum line that takes a minimum of two visits—is $200. Many dentists charge $1,000 or more for the service.

Where can I get dental care in Santa Clara?

Contact Medi-Cal Dental for more information about covered dental services and Medi-Cal Dental providers in Santa Clara County: Santa Clara Family Health Plan (SCFHP) may also pay for dental care in certain cases.

Where can I get dental care if I have Medi Cal?

If you have Medi-Cal Dental, you can go to any dentist who accepts it. You may choose a dentist who accepts Medi-Cal Dental for each service provided. Find a Medi-Cal Dental provider near you.

Can a child get orthodontics with Medi Cal?

Orthodontics for children who qualify. Members can access dental services through Medi-Cal Dental enrolled providers, who will advise members on the best course of treatment, and under the specific conditions for which some of these services are allowable.

What is the Medi Cal Dental Transformation Initiative?

Dental Transformation Initiative​​​​​ Within the Medi-Cal 2020 Waiver, the Dental Transformation Initiative (DTI) represents a critical strategy to improve dental health for eligible Medi-Cal children by focusing on high-value care, improved access, and utilization of performance measures to drive delivery system reform.

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