Users' questions

What name was given to the system of land and labor grants that the Spaniards?

What name was given to the system of land and labor grants that the Spaniards?

In the encomienda, the Spanish Crown granted a person a specified number of natives from a specific community but did not dictate which individuals in the community would have to provide their labor.

What benefits did the Spanish government get from the encomienda system?

The encomienda system (in theory) was a feudal-like system where Spaniards would offer protection and education to the native populations in exchange for labor and money/gifts. It was beneficial to the Spanish because they were able to extract labor at no cost.

What is the name of the Spanish forced labor system?

Repartimiento, (Spanish: “partition,” “distribution”) also called mita, or cuatequil, in colonial Spanish America, a system by which the crown allowed certain colonists to recruit indigenous peoples for forced labour.

What kind of labor did the Spanish use?

The economies of early Spanish colonial Latin American countries thrived under three different kinds of labor systems: the Encomienda System, Repartimiento de Labor, and the Hacienda System. Encomienda was a system used by Spanish colonies beginning in early in the colonization of the Americas.

How could Spaniards obtain Encomiendas?

Spaniards most often obtained encomiendas by conquering territory in the name of the Spanish Crown and many econmiendas were granted to Spanish…

Why did the natives pay tribute?

Called encomenderos, these beneficiaries promised to protect and Christianize the natives in return for taking their labor and goods. The problem with these tribute lists was that the population decreased faster than tasas could be revised downward, often leaving the natives overcharged and in arrears.

What is a grant of Native American labor called?

As legally defined in 1503, an encomienda (from Spanish encomendar, “to entrust”) consisted of a grant by the crown to a conquistador, a soldier, an official, or others of a specified number of “Indios” (Native Americans and, later, Filipinos) living in a particular area.

What did the Spanish use the encomienda system for?

Both natives and Spaniards appealed to the Real Audiencias for relief under the encomienda system.

How did Spain gain control of the Americas?

Just as Castilian concessions in 1479 helped put Isabel on the throne of Castile, similar recognition of Portuguese claims in Africa in 1494 helped to secure Spanish interests in the Americas. As a result, it was Spain, rather than Portugal, that first made extensive use of enslaved Africans as a colonial labor force in the Americas.

What did the Spanish do in the New World?

Depiction of Spanish atrocities in the New World, as recounted by Bartolomé de las Casas in Narratio Regionum indicarum per Hispanos Quosdam devastatarum verissima, engraving by Theodor De Bry, 1598.

What did the Spanish want from the Amerindians?

The Spanish Crown intended to protect Amerindians from abuse, but at the same time expected them to accept Spanish rule, embrace Catholicism, and conform to a work regimen designed to render Spain’s overseas colonies profitable.

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