
What do the numbers on a books copyright page mean?

What do the numbers on a books copyright page mean?

Also known as a “printer’s key” or “publisher’s code,” the number line is a string of numbers printed on the copyright page, and it is used to indicate the print run for the book. With each printing of a book, the publisher instructs the printer to remove the lowest number that indicated that run.

How do you read an edition of a book number?

Number Lines: Generally speaking, if the “1” is present, the book is a first edition (first edition, first printing). For the second printing, the “1” is removed, so the “2” is the lowest number present. For example, a number line that reads 5 6 7 8 9 indicates a fifth printing.

How do you read the copyright page of a book?

View the first few lines of the copyright page of the book. Note the name of the author of the publication along with the title of the work. Move your eyes down the page and you will see the book’s ISBN numbers. These are the numbers book distributors use when ordering books.

How can you tell what edition a book is?

Look at the Copyright Page

  1. Look for the text that states the edition of the book. The copyright page is usually found on the back of the book’s title page.
  2. Check when the book was copyrighted and when it was published.
  3. Use the Number Line to Determine the Print.

What are the numbers on the first page of a book?

The printer’s key, also known as the number line, is a line of text printed on the copyright page (often the verso of the title page, especially in English-language publishing) of books, used to indicate the print run. Publishers began this convention about the middle of the 20th century.

What are the numbers at the bottom of copyright page?

Thanks! The number line, or printer’s key, often seen on the copyright page of books is simply a method of record-keeping that helps identify the book’s printing and, for some, year of printing a specific book, which may or may not be different than the original copyright date listed elsewhere on the page.

What is the copyright page of a book called?

The edition notice (or copyright page) is the page in a book containing information about the current edition, usually on the back of the title page.

Are all first edition books valuable?

Speaking generally, first editions will hold the most value if they are first editions, first printings. Depending on who has published the book and what formats it has been published in, you’ll be looking for hardcover books mostly.

Does the cover count as page 1?

Normally, the first page, or cover page, of a document does not have a page number or other header or footer text. You can avoid putting a page number on the first page using sections, but there is an easier way to do this. To change the page number on the second page to one, click the Insert tab.

Why are there number lines on the copyright page?

The number line, or printer’s key, often seen on the copyright page of books is simply a method of record-keeping that helps identify the book’s printing and, for some, year of printing a specific book, which may or may not be different than the original copyright date listed elsewhere on the page. Common examples of these number lines include:

What does it mean if a book has only one copyright date?

Turning back to your question, if a book has just one copyright date, then I’d expect it was an original, non-derivative work. It means the contents of the book were all fixed at the same time. Most books have only one copyright date.

When to put copyright notice in your book?

Simply write your copyright notice and reservation of rights (item 2 below) in your book and you are done. And if your book is printed and ready to go in the latter half of the year (say, Fall 2018), be sure to use the next year (2019) as your copyright date, thereby making your book “current” for a whole year.

Why are there number lines on the back of a book?

In any event, sometimes number lines are accompanied by the words First edition but that does not necessarily mean it is the first printing; for example, this would indicate a third printing of a first edition: There may be many printings of an edition, the latter of which may be defined as a single “setting-up of type without substantial change.”

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