Which side of the International Date Line is Tahiti?
Tahiti is as far south of the equator as Hawaii is north, and halfway between California and Australia, on the same side of the International Date Line as North America, and in the same time zone as Hawaii – (only two hours behind California April-October and three hours behind California November-March).
Is Tahiti east of International Date Line?
American Samoa, the Cook Islands, Niue, and French Polynesia are east of the IDL and one day behind. The IDL then bends southwest to return to 180°. It follows that meridian until reaching Antarctica, which has multiple time zones. Conventionally, the IDL is not drawn into Antarctica on most maps.
Which country is closest to International Date Line?
The date line passes equidistantly between the two Diomede Islands—Little Diomede Island (US) and Big Diomede Island (Russia)—at a distance of 1.5 km (1 mi) from each island. The date line circumvents the territory of Kiribati by swinging far to the east, almost reaching the 150° meridian.
Where does the International Date Line meet?
The International Date Line is located halfway around the world from the prime meridian (0° longitude) or about 180° east (or west) of Greenwich, London, UK, the reference point of time zones.
What American city is closest to the International Date Line?
Last updated Dec 29 2016. Answer has 6 votes. Gisborne, North Island New Zealand is the closest city to the International Dateline, and so you sees the sunrise before any other city in the world.
What is the standard international date format?
The international format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd is also accepted, though this format is not commonly used. The formats d. Gregorian dates follow the same rules but tend to be written in the yyyy/m/d (Day first, month number and year in right-to-left writing direction) format in Arabic language.