Users' questions

Which political system best describes the United States?

Which political system best describes the United States?

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens’ ideas and concerns in government.

What is an example of a political crisis?

The crisis may arise from a variety of possible causes. Specific examples include the South African Coloured vote constitutional crisis in the 1950s, the secession of the southern U.S. states in 1860 and 1861, the controversial dismissal of the Australian Federal government in 1975 and the 2007 Ukrainian crisis.

What are three emerging trends that could change the state of partisan politics in Texas quizlet?

What are three emerging trends that could change the state of partisan politics in Texas? Texas Democrats might adopt more moderate positions on some issues; Tea Party-backed Republicans could move too far to the right; New residents from out of state could change the Texas electorate.

Which best describes the evolution of government in America?

Terms in this set (31) Which best describes the evolution of government in America? Small local government first formed, then state/colonial governments, then the large federal government. A group of city-wide elected officials hold both the executive and legislative powers of the city government.

How do you measure political instability?

The index of political instability is measured on a scale of 0 to 10 based on the degree of severity of political protest and violence in each nation in any given year. The advantage of this index over other indices of political instability, such as the state fragility index, is that it is raw.

What events helped lead to Texas becoming a Republican dominated state quizlet?

Texas shifted from a Democratic-dominated state to a Republican-dominated state because Texan voters adopted a far more conservative ideology. Match each geographic area of Texas with its typical political orientation.

What was the politics of paralysis in the late nineteenth century?

Evidence justifying the use of the label “politics of paralysis” to describe the American political system during the late nineteenth century includes all of the following EXCEPT that Which party tended to support a program of active federal support for economic growth, including high tariffs?

What was the political system of the United States?

The political system in America was ill equipped to cope with the economic and social revolutions that were reshaping the country. B. Leadership of the country was in the best hands. D. American society had become increasingly egalitarian as a result of industrialization.

How did the Populist movement change the United States?

A. new attitudes toward poverty and government responsibility emerged. B. the federal government adopted a silver standard of currency. C. the Populists expanded their following to the urban working classes. A. showed that the American people would reject radicalism. B. brought progressive politicians into power.

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