
Is 867-5309 a valid number?

Is 867-5309 a valid number?

8675309 is a prime number, meaning it can’t be divided by any other number. A guy in New York tried to sell his 212-867-5309 number on eBay. “867-5309” grosses more royalties today than it did when the song was climbing the charts in 1982.

Where did the number 867-5309 originate?

“867-5309/Jenny” originally appeared on Tommy Tutone’s “Tommy Tutone 2” album. Bids for a New Jersey version of the number, stuck in the minds of millions since Tommy Tutone’s “867-5309/Jenny” hit the Top 10 in 1982, had reached $5,100 on eBay as of Monday morning.

How much did the number 867-5309 sell for?

“867-5309/Jenny” originally appeared on Tommy Tutone’s “Tommy Tutone 2” album. Spencer Potter, who got the number for free five years ago, said he was “definitely a little shocked” that eBay bids topped $365,000 by Tuesday morning for the number made famous Tommy Tutone’s “867-5309/Jenny” hit.

What is Jenny’s phone number?

The song led to a fad of people dialing 867-5309 and asking for “Jenny”….867-5309/Jenny.

Songwriter(s) Alex Call Jim Keller
Producer(s) Jim Keller Chuck Plotkin Geoff Workman Tommy Tutone
Tommy Tutone singles chronology
“Angel Say No” (1980) “867-5309/Jenny” (1981) “Get Around Girl” (1983)

What does 86753o9 mean?

Get in my car after class and the guy on the radio suggests some numbers for Power Ball… “8675309….” Some simply call it 867-5309, some call it Jenny (867-5309), and others call it 867-5309 (Jenny).

When did Jenny Studio Killers come out?


What is the most famous phone number?

For a mere $2,025, you can own the most famous musical phone number in the world. The number (201) 867-5309, featured in the hit 1981 Tommy Tutone song “867-5309/Jenny,” is being sold on e-Bay by a New Jersey DJ who bought the number in 2004.

Who sang Jenny I got your number?

Tommy Tutone
867-5309 / Jenny/Artists

Who wrote Jenny I got your number?

Jim Keller
Alex Call
867-5309 / Jenny/Lyricists

Is Cherry from Studio Killers a man?

Cherry was first conceived in 2007. Cherry’s sexuality was revealed to be pansexual by the band’s official Tumblr. Cherry may or may not be dating Jenny. Cherry is voiced by Finnish singer Eliza Jäppinen.

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