
What are wind deposits?

What are wind deposits?

Lesson Summary. Wind can carry small particles such as sand, silt, and clay. Wind erosion abrades surfaces and makes desert pavement, ventifacts, and desert varnish. Sand dunes are common wind deposits that come in different shapes, depending on winds and sand availability.

What are wind deposits of finer sediments?

When the wind drops fine particles of silt and clay, it forms deposits called loess (Figure below). Loess deposits form vertical cliffs. Loess can become a thick, rich soil. That’s why loess deposits are used for farming in many parts of the world.

What are the processes of wind erosion?

The three processes of wind erosion are surface creep, saltation and suspension.

What are the two major processes of wind erosion?

Wind erosion uses two main mechanics: abrasion and deflation. Deflation is further broken down into three categories: surface creep, saltation and suspension.

What kind of material is deposited by wind?

LOESS Wind can deposit extremely fine material. Thick depos- its of this windblown, fine-grained sediment are known as loess. Loess feels like talcum powder. Because the wind can carry light-weight material so easily, a loess deposit can be found far away from its source.

How does wind affect the deposition of rock?

DEFLATION Wind can blow tiny particles away from larger rock pieces during deflation. Deflationhappens when wind removes the top layers of fine sediment or soil and leaves behind larger rock pieces. Deflation can form certain land features. It can pro- ducedesert pavement, which is a surface made of peb- bles and small, broken rocks.

What happens to sand particles in wind erosion?

Saltationhappens when sand-sized particles skip and bounce along in the direction that the wind is mov- ing. When moving sand grains hit one another, some of the grains bounce up into the air. These grains fall back to the ground and bump other grains.

What happens to rocks in deflation hollows?

These areas are called deflation hollows. ABRASION Wind can grind and wear down rocks by abrasion. Abrasionhappens when rock or sand wears down larger pieces of rock. Abrasion happens in areas where there are strong winds, loose sand, and soft rocks. The wind blows the loose sand against the rocks.

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