
Can felons have black powder guns in Michigan?

Can felons have black powder guns in Michigan?

After restoration of your rights, the only firearms you can possess or use are certain types of firearms that do not take a modern cartridge, i.e., a pellet rifle, muzzle-loader, or black powder gun. …

Can a felon carry a black powder gun?

The short answer is no, felons cannot possess or hunt with black powder or muzzle loading firearms.

Can a felon own a cap and ball revolver in Michigan?

Therefore, it would be legal under Michigan law and federal law for possession of black powder muzzleloader long guns and cap and ball black powder pistols once firearm rights are restored. Michigan will not give a CPL to a person with a felony. The same goes for ammunition and ammo components.

Can a felon get gun rights back in Michigan?

Upon conviction of a felony, a person loses their rights to possess a firearm, both under Michigan and federal law. Although no such opportunity exists in federal law, it is possible for an individual to have their state gun rights restored.

Can a felon hunt with a muzzleloader in Indiana?

According to Indiana law, persons convicted of domestic battery or a crime are under the Serious Violent Felon statute. The law does not allow them to be in possession of a firearm. Ultimately, the law prohibits such persons against possession of any sort of muzzleloader.

Can a felon own a black powder muzzleloader?

So, felons can not walk into a local weapon shop and acquire a firearm – regardless of its purpose. However, a felon has several other options for self-defense and/or hunting. One common question among felons is, can a felon own a black powder muzzleloader?

Do you need a license to hunt with a muzzleloader?

However, having a muzzleloader does not mean you can hunt with it. You will still need a hunting license to be able to hunt legally. That will be up to each state to determine.

Can a convicted felon hunt with a shotgun?

Not at all – as long as it is not with a firearm. Felons can go hunting with weapons like hunting bows. Even with a hunting license, felons are prohibited from hunting with shotguns, rifles, and other firearms. Robert Gomez was born and raised in the Bronx, New York.

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