
How long should I wait to kiss someone after I have mono?

How long should I wait to kiss someone after I have mono?

This is called the incubation period. Once your symptoms do appear, they may last for two to four weeks. You can pass the virus to other people through your saliva for up to three months after your symptoms subside. Some studies have reported that you may still be contagious for up to 18 months.

Is mono contagious after a week?

People are definitely contagious while they have symptoms, which can last 2–4 weeks or even longer. Health experts aren’t sure how long people with mono stay contagious after symptoms are gone, but it seems they can spread the infection for months after that.

How long is mononucleosis contagious?

How Long Is Mono Infectious? Unfortunately, it is possible to transmit the disease even before symptoms arise, during the incubation period. This can last for about four to seven weeks. In most cases, the person then remains infectious for several weeks longer.

Does kissing really cause mono?

The virus that causes mono (Epstein-Barr virus) is spread through saliva. You can get it through kissing, but you can also be exposed by sharing a glass or food utensils with someone who has mono. However, mononucleosis isn’t as contagious as some infections, such as the common cold.

How long does it take to recover from mono?

Most people get better in two to four weeks; however, some people may feel fatigued for several more weeks. Occasionally, the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis can last for six months or longer.

How serious is having mono?

For most people, mono isn’t serious, and it improves without treatment. Still, extreme fatigue, body aches and other symptoms can interfere with school, work and daily life. With mono, you might feel sick for about a month.

When is it safe to kiss after Mono?

Conclusive pieces of evidence are not available to conclude when a person may kiss without any fear of mononucleosis spread. However, it is generally advised to avoid kissing for 1-2 weeks after the disappearance of the symptoms.

Can a person still have mono after the symptoms subside?

It is true that the person suffering from mononucleosis during the active infection stage shed more viruses in their saliva as compared to who has the virus in the dormant stage. But, unfortunately, there is no conclusive evidence to show how long the virus is present in the saliva after the symptoms subside.

How is a person diagnosed with mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis is the condition caused due to Epstein Barr virus infection. The diagnosis is usually done through physical examination and if the physical examination suspects the presence of mononucleosis, further lab tests, which mostly include blood and antibody tests, are prescribed by the doctor.

When do you get a mono spot test?

Mono Spot Test. Once the doctor suspects the presence of mononucleosis through physical examination, he may advise the antibody test. Mono spot test is an antibody test which can be done in a single day.

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