
What is an example of sharecropper?

What is an example of sharecropper?

For example, a landowner may have a sharecropper farming an irrigated hayfield. The sharecropper uses his own equipment and covers all costs of fuel and fertilizer. The landowner pays the irrigation district assessments and does the irrigating himself.

What part of speech is the word sharecropper?

sharecropper. / (ˈʃɛəˌkrɒpə) / noun.

What is the difference between a sharecropper?

In tenant farming, tenants live in the same land and engage in agricultural practices for a given period, and finally get their payments as money, fixed amount of crop, or in combination. In the case of sharecropping, tenant receives his portion as a share. He has to give a share to the landowner, which is pre decided.

What does the phrase sharecropping mean?

/ˈʃerˌkrɑː.pɪŋ/ the activity of renting land and giving part of the crop you produce on it as rent, especially in the past in the US : The rise of sharecropping was one of the many changes that came with the abolition of slavery. She was born into a poor sharecropping family.

Are called sharecroppers?

: a tenant farmer especially in the southern U.S. who is provided with credit for seed, tools, living quarters, and food, who works the land, and who receives an agreed share of the value of the crop minus charges.

Are called share croppers?

Sharecropping is a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop. This encouraged tenants to work to produce the biggest harvest that they could, and ensured they would remain tied to the land and unlikely to leave for other opportunities.

Is there still sharecropping?

Cash rent and the 1/3-2/3 lease are the major contracts used now. However, a true sharecropping system is still in use from time to time.

Who was the sharecropper in the antebellum South?

Most African Americans in the cotton parishes worked as sharecroppers or tenants, closely supervised by plantation owners or managers. Until more recently, historical accounts of nonslaveholding whites of the antebellum Southeast have focused heavily on yeomen and sharecroppers.

Who was the sharecropper in the 1930’s?

While most first worked as sharecroppers, the Chinese worked as families to improve their lives. By the 1930s, whites constituted most of the sharecroppers in the South.

How did the freed slaves become sharecroppers?

In the case of freed slaves of the United States, many became sharecroppers and indentured servants. By 1910, a majority of black farmers in the Delta had lost their land and become sharecroppers. While most first worked as sharecroppers, the Chinese worked as families to improve their lives.

How did mechanization affect black farmers and sharecroppers?

Tractors and harvesters were replacing mules and manual labor, and mechanization was in the process of making black tenant farmers and sharecroppers expendable. Many lose their land and must become tenant farmers, sharecroppers, or wage-laborers for the better-off peasants who can afford fertilizers and some machinery.

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