
How many cups are in a 20 pound bag of bird seed?

How many cups are in a 20 pound bag of bird seed?

The 4 pound bag contains 16 cups of food and the 20 pound bag contains 80 cups of food.

How many cups are in a 10 pound bag of birdseed?

Each cup makes 1 pound of food so 10 pounds will contain 40 cups of food.

How many cups are in a pound of birdseed?

I figured out that 3 cups of my seed equal 1 lb. so, 15 cups equals 5 lb.

How much is a 20 pound bag of birdseed?

Compare Similar Products

current product Best Seller
20 lb. Economy Wild Bird Food 20 lbs. Wild Bird Seed Food 20 lbs. Premium Black Oil Sunflower Bird Seed
$898 $1198 $1498
(2400) (1538) (577)
Bird Type Multiple Bird Species Multiple Bird Species Multiple Bird Species

How many cups is 25 pounds?

25 pounds is equal to 100 cups.

How many cups is 19.8 lbs?

79.2 cups
The 19.8 pound bag has approximately 79.2 cups of food.

How many cups of food is a 10lb bag?

40 cups
The 10 pound bag contains approximately 40 cups of kibble and the 4 pound bag contains approximately 16 cups of kibble.

What does bird seed mean at a wedding?

Pelting newlyweds with uncooked rice is a tradition meant to shower the couple in prosperity, fertility and good fortune. We’ve all heard that rice makes birds explode and grains and corn are just weird, so why not birdseed!

What bird seed is best?

Here are the best bird seeds and food of 2021

  • Best wild bird seed overall: Valley Splendor Black Oil Sunflower Seeds.
  • Best wild bird seed mix: Wagner’s Greatest Variety Wild Bird Food.
  • Best no-mess wild bird seed: Lyric Sunflower Kernels.
  • Best wild bird seed to attract finches: Wagner’s Nyjer Seed Premium Wild Bird Food.

How many cups of rice are in a 25 pound bag?

How much seed is in a pound of seed?

An apples-to-apples comparison of the price of a T-bone steak to a filet requires you to discount the weight of the bone and consider only the cost of the meat. Blackoil sunflower seed is 35 to 45 percent hull—inedible to birds. That means when you buy a 50-pound bag of it, you’re buying roughly 30 pounds of bird food and 20 pounds of waste.

How many pounds of Nyjer seed per pound?

Contains 150,000 seeds per pound creating many visits to the feeder An extra clean seed that provides high energy content for backyard songbirds Ideal for use in Finch feeders which have smaller holes and tiny perches New (3) from $37.98 & FREE Shipping .

How big is a bag of sunflower seeds?

A fair comparison would be a 50 pound bag of standard sunflower seeds to a 30 pound bag of sunflower hearts. Odds are, hulled sunflower seeds will still be more expensive than in-the-shell seeds.

What kind of seed is good for birds?

Bird seed is the hamburger of the bird-feeding world. The picture above shows Nyjer/Thistle seed, peanuts, millet, and cracked corn. Hulled sunflower seed (which means “without hulls”) is often sold as sunflower chips, sunflower hearts, or no-mess sunflower seeds.

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