
What does the V mean on tanks?

What does the V mean on tanks?

Thew “v” on the 109 is really a “corner” marking a plane of the staff. Staff planes were marked with symbols, while ordinary planes were marked with numbers. A corner usually meant this was a Gruppenadjutant, while for example a Gruppenkommandant (group commander) would have a double corner on his plane.

What is the V on military vehicles?

The V-hull is a type of vehicle armor design used on wheeled armored personnel carriers (APCs), infantry mobility vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and MRAPs.

What do the symbols on tanks mean?

Whenever you inspect a tank, you will note a symbol appears next to it in the Garage screen and during a battle, specifically on the map. These symbols are means of quickly assessing what sort of tank is around you as they represent the tank type.

What do the chevrons on the side of a tank mean?

In addition to the platoon markings, during Desert Storm, all coalition (friendly) forces were supposed to have a chevron ^ painted on the side for friendly identification.

What does V and upside down V mean?

The upside down V (∧) means AND. The circle with the plus inside (⊕) means XOR or eXclusive OR.

What does upside down V mean?

The upside down V (∧) means AND. The circle with the plus inside (⊕) means XOR or eXclusive OR. The bent line or garden hoe as I call it (¬) is the negation or a NOT. XOR is a bit tricky.

What does an upside down V stand for?

The upside down ‘v’ used in the problem is called caret, and represents exponent, literally ‘raised to power’.

What is an upside down V?

What does the M stand for in American tanks?

American tanks and other instruments of war seem to follow the convention of MxAyEz designation scheme, for example, late-model Sherman tanks and M16 assault rifles. General consensus dictates that the M stands for Model.

What do military numbers mean?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A service number is an identification code used to identify a person within a large group. Service numbers are most often associated with the military; however, they may be used in civilian organizations as well. Social Security Numbers may be seen as types of service numbers.

What does upside V mean?

What does the V thing in math mean?

The “V” symbols in the reader’s question are ∨ and ∧, which mean “Logical Or” and “Logical And.” The ∧ is a capital Greek Lambda. The symbol for “Union of sets” is ‘∪’, while the symbol for “intersection of sets” is ‘∩. ‘

What do the V shaped markings on the sides of?

The “V” shaped markings are Chevrons. Their role is to indicate, that the tank is friendly as well as which company the tank belongs to. Apart from that, the two digit number (pictured above) shows which tank it is and which platoon it belongs to.

What is the significance of the inverted’v’on the side corners of US tanks?

What is the significance of the inverted ‘V’ on the side corners of US tanks? – Quora Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.

What does the inverted V on the side of a vehicle Mean?

First of all, they aren’t all inverted. They are meant to indicate the military group the marked vehicle belongs to. An upward facing chevron means the vehicle belongs to A company.

What does the upside down V stand for in the military?

The upside down V is called a Chevron. In the military, it usually used as a symbol to denote the rank of a particular person within the military.

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