Users' questions

What is the difference between single bus and multiple bus structure?

What is the difference between single bus and multiple bus structure?

A multiple Bus Structure has multiple inter connected service integration buses and for each bus the other buses are its foreign buses. A Single bus structure is very simple and consists of a single server. – A bus can not span multiple cells. And each cell can have more than one buses.

What is the benefit of using single bus structure?

Advantages of Bus Topology : It works very efficient well when there is a small network. Length of cable required is less than a star topology. It is easy to connect or remove devices in this network without affecting any other device. Very cost-effective as compared to other network topology i.e. mesh and star.

What is the benefit of using a multiple bus architecture compared to a Singlebus architecture?

Benefits of multi bus architecture when compared to that of the single bus architecture are: a) The multi bus architecture offers high speed and efficiency. This is because in multi bus architecture, the processor shares a multiple number of buses.

What is the advantage of having separate busses for program and data?

The main advantage of having separate buses for instruction and data is that CPU can access instructions and read/write data at the same time.

What are the advantages of using a common bus?


  • Versatility:
  • New devices can be added easily.
  • Peripherals can be moved between computer.
  • Low Cost:
  • A single set of wires is shared in multiple ways.

Why is bus hierarchy required?

bus hierarchy An interconnection system used when a single system bus cannot provide the degree of connectivity required. Devices are connected using multiple buses that are themselves then interconnected to form a hierarchical connection system.

Is single bus organization economical?

Cost of single bus structure is low. Cost of double bus structure is high. Number of cycles for execution is more.

Why do we need multiple buses?

Multiple buses permit several devices to work simultaneously, reducing time spent waiting and improving the computer’s speed. Performance improvements are the main reason for having multiple buses in a computer design.

What is the purpose of a bus hierarchy?

What are the advantages of multiple bus organization?

Multiple Bus Organization Improves Efficiency Multiple buses permit several devices to work simultaneously, reducing time spent waiting and improving the computer’s speed. Performance improvements are the main reason for having multiple buses in a computer design.

What are disadvantages of bus?

if the main cable fails or gets damaged the whole network will fail. as more workstations are connected the performance of the network will become slower because of data collisions. every workstation on the network “sees” all of the data on the network – this is a security risk.

Which is the main disadvantage of an I O bus?

Disadvantages: Every device on the bus must run at the same clock rate. To avoid clock skew, they cannot be long if they are fast.

What are the advantages of a single bus system?

Advantages of Single Bus System  It has low initial cost.  It requires less maintenance.  It is simple in operation.

How is single bus structure different from double bus structure?

Cost of single bus structure is low. Cost of double bus structure is high. Number of cycles for execution is more. Number of cycles for execution is less. Execution of process is slow. Execution of process is fast. Number of registers associated are less. Number of registers associated are more. At a time single operand can be read from bus.

What are the benefits of using multiple-bus architecture?

The number and type of buses used strongly affect the machine’s overall speed. Simple computer designs move data on a single bus; multiple buses, however, vastly improve performance. In a multiple-bus architecture, each pathway is suited to handle a particular kind of information.

Which is larger the data bus or the control bus?

Generally, the larger the bus size, the faster the computer system. Common data bus sizes are 8-bits or 16-bits (older systems) and 32 bits (newer systems). 64-bit data bus systems are currently being used. The control bus carries the control and timing signals needed to coordinate the activities of the entire computer.

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