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How do you respond when someone says goodnight?
If someone said to you “Have a good night”, then it would be a sensible reply. Thanks velisarius. I thought “Goodnight” meant “Have a good night”, so it makes sense to say “you too”–if it is odd, I have been guilty with this oddity a few times!
What is the response to a lovely night?
Senior Member. Hello sldxhy, if you mean “what should you say in response?”, you can just say “Thanks”, or “thanks a lot”, or “thank you” or – if you want to be humorous: “thanks, I’ll try!”
How do you say goodnight flirting?
How Do You Say Goodnight in a Flirty Way?
- Sleep tight Sexy! I’ll be dreaming of you!
- Good night, the love of my life. Sweet dreams!
- Get some rest! I’m so lucky to have you, Sweetheart!
- Goodnight, most handsome guy/ prettiest girl in my life.
- “Sleep tonight, sweetheart.
- Night night, baby.
- “Good night sweetness.
Is it OK to text a guy goodnight?
Keep in mind that there is no harm in sending a sweet good night message before bed each night. If it makes you feel good to send a cute or romantic good night text, then you should do so. Good night text messages can be very romantic, and it’s something that can make someone feel like they’re loved and cared for.
What to say after she says good morning?
Cute Responses to Good Morning Text Good morning to you too! Good morning- I was just thinking about you! Hey! What do you have going on today?
Should you say goodnight texting?
A good night text is a simple but effective way to let your friend know that you’re thinking of them. If you have a friend that you value but can’t manage to see each other or talk often, sending a goodnight text isn’t a bad idea.
What should I text him before bed?
I wish I could fall asleep in your arms.
What should you reply to a goodnight text?
It’s only appropriate to send a reply. You can do this several ways—you can text them back ‘goodnight’, ‘sweet dreams’, ‘bonne nuit’ (good night in french) or send a them an goodnight emoticon or GIF. That’s all you need to do! Fast.
What does it mean when someone says Good Night to you?
Epiales was the daemon in Greek mythology responsible for nightmares, chances of the average person knowing this are slim, tone and inflection can play a great mind screw with the ignorant. What does it mean when a guy texts you good night even though you didn’t talk to him all day?
Do You Say Goodnight back in a relationship?
, I have been through many different types of relationships. yes you say goodnight back and if you are dating the person you say goodnight babe or if she is a girl you say goodnight beautiful because that always works and if he is a guy you say goodnight sexy
When do you Say Good Night on Facebook?
Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Say good night when you feel sleepy and wish sweet dreams to your buddies with good night quotes for Facebook. I can’t sleep without saying Good Night.