
What is tolerance in democracy?

What is tolerance in democracy?

Abstract. Democracy may contribute to friendly attitudes and positive attitudes toward outgroups (i.e., outgroup tolerance) because members of democratic societies learn to exercise their rights (i.e., cast a vote) and, in the process, listen to different opinions.

What is good about tolerance?

Tolerance makes it possible for people to coexist peacefully. It is the basis for a fair society in which everyone can lead their lives as they wish.

How tolerance and inclusiveness are important features of democracy?

Tolerance and inclusiveness are important features of Democracy as it is based on liberty and equality. Tolerance is the primary means of avoiding or resolving conflicts. Tolerance need to be inclusive of different point of view. A lack of inclusive tolerance generates frustration, rejection and rebellion.

What are 3 features of democracy?

1) Democracy assures equality in every spheres of life like political, social and economic. 2) It upholds basic individual rights and liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression etc. 3) Accommodates all sorts of social diversities and divisions.

What is the importance of tolerance in democracy?

This course focuses on the value of tolerance and its implications for both the principles and practices of democracy. It examines tolerance both as it has been understood by political philosophers and as it is understood by citizens at large.

Why is it important for people to be tolerant?

Tolerance works as a barrier to prejudice and brings people of a community together. Being a good role model and setting an example of respect can teach others to be tolerant. Celebrating the heritage and differences of others is a fun way to both learn and teach tolerance to children and other generations.

Is it necessary to have some degree of tolerance?

Even if we all agree that some degree of tolerance is necessary for democracy, it is not clear whether societies should always strive for more.

Why are political scientists so interested in tolerance?

Historically, political scientists have been most concerned with the empirical study of tolerance. Published between the 1950s and 1990s, seminal studies operationalized tolerance as the willingness to extend civil rights to disliked or unpopular groups in society.

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