
What are the characteristics of traditional mass communication?

What are the characteristics of traditional mass communication?

Mass Communication is the product of bureaucracy….Characteristics of Traditional Mass Media Organization:

  • Produced by complex & formal organization.
  • It has multiple gate keepers.
  • It need a great deal of money to operate.
  • It exists to make profile.
  • These are highly competitive.

What is the traditional definition of mass communication?

Simply put, mass communication is the public transfer of messages through media or technology-driven channels to a large number of recipients from an entity, usually involving some type of cost or fee (advertising) for the user.

What are the features of traditional media?

Traditional (or “Old Media) are broadcast based, meaning that the messages are sent in one-direction only. Further, they are directed toward a mass audience, without the level of focus or segmentation afforded by new media in the information age. For its part, New Media is interactive and comparatively decentralized.

What is the traditional mass media?

Examples of Traditional Media Traditional media include radio, broadcast television, cable and satellite, print, and billboards. These are the forms of advertising that have been around for years, and many have had success with traditional media campaigns.

What are traditional medias?

1. Any form of mass communication available before the advent of digital media. This includes television, radio, newspapers, books, and magazines.

Which are the most common types of mass communication?

The most common types of Mass Communication are:

  • Television.
  • Radio.
  • Advertising.
  • Public Relations.
  • Books, Magazines, Newspapers and Journals.
  • Photography.
  • Audio Media like Community Radio, Podcasts.
  • Interactive Media like websites, video games, digital ads, etc.

What are the advantages of traditional media?


  • Highest response rate of all media.
  • Highest level of selectivity of all media.
  • High quality control.
  • A measurable media for cost and response. Easy to test.
  • High personalization.
  • Creative flexibility.
  • Long life span.
  • No advertising clutter [once they open your piece].

What is the purpose of traditional media?

Traditional media allows businesses to target a broad target audience through billboards, print advertising, television commercials, and more. In comparison, new media allows companies to target a narrow target audience through social media, paid online ads, and search results.

What is the difference between traditional and modern media?

What are the characteristics of a mass communication?

Communication scholars have suggested various characteristics of Mass Communication. We look at some of them in this chapter. Dutton et al (1998) suggests that Mass Communicaton has a number of characteristics that sets it apart from other types of communication: · Mass Audience: Large and scattered, Anonymous and Heterogenous Mass Audience.

Who is the sender in Mass Communication?

“The sender often is a person in some large media organization, the messages are public, and the audience tends to be large and varied” (Berger 121).

What kind of media are used in Mass Communication?

Use of mechanical or electronic media: Mass communication relies on mechanical or electronic media to address large and diverse audiences. The media include radio, television, films, newspapers, posters, leaflets etc. Mass communication does not take place through face-to-face or telephonic conversation.

Which is the only process of communication operating at the society wide level?

McQuail states that mass communication is, “only one of the processes of communication operating at the society-wide level, readily identified by its institutional characteristics” (7).

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