
What is the number before 31?

What is the number before 31?

31 (thirty-one) is the natural number following 30 and preceding 32.

What is the HCF of 31?

Here, 31 and 1 are the common factors and 31 is the greatest common factor.

What are the Divisibles of 35?

Now let us consider the first 5 multiples of 35. According to this, the first five multiples of 35 you just learned are 35, 70, 105, 140, and 175. Hence, the first 10 multiples of 35 are 35, 70, 105, 140, 175, 210, 245, 280, 315, and 350.

How to find the average of all numbers?

To get the average, notice that the numbers are all equally distributed. For every big number, there’s a small number on the other end. Let’s look at a small set: The average is 2. 2 is already in the middle, and 1 and 3 “cancel out” so their average is 2. the average is between 2 and 3 – it’s 2.5.

How to figure out the sum from 1 to 100?

And we’re back to our original formula. Again, the number of x’s in the pyramid = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, or the sum from 1 to n. So let’s figure out the sum. If we have 100 numbers (1…100), then we clearly have 100 items.

How to find the total number of factors for a number?

Number of Factors. The formula for the total number of factors for a given number is given by; Total Number of Factors for N = (a+1) (b+1) (c+1) Sum of Factors. The formula for the sum of all factors is given by; Sum of factors of N = [(X a+1-1)/X-1] × [(Y b+1-1)/Y-1] × [(Z c+1-1)/Z-1] Product of Factors

What’s the average number of items in a set?

Let’s look at a small set: The average is 2. 2 is already in the middle, and 1 and 3 “cancel out” so their average is 2. the average is between 2 and 3 – it’s 2.5. Even though we have a fractional average, this is ok — since we have an even number of items, when we multiply the average by the count that ugly fraction will disappear.

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