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Why did Longstreet disagree with Lee at Gettysburg?

Why did Longstreet disagree with Lee at Gettysburg?

‘They lacked the fire and point of his usual bearing on the battlefield. ‘ Longstreet allowed his disagreement with Lee’s plans to affect his generalship, and he deserves censure for this. While he may have opposed the idea of an offensive, he was still in a position of responsibility.

What did Longstreet tell Lee at Gettysburg?

Longstreet had said precisely that, just hours before the assault, to Lee himself: “General,” he said, “I have been a soldier all my life. I have been with soldiers engaged in fights by couples, by squads, companies, regiments, divisions and armies, and should know, as well as any one, what soldiers can do.

Why did Confederate General Longstreet delay his attack at the Battle of Gettysburg?

Long known for his slowness in readying his armies for combat, Longstreet delayed his offensive on the battle’s second day in order to coordinate his forces, a move that his detractors would later argue allowed Union General George Meade to prepare for the attack.

What was the fault of Robert E Lee?

Southern independence had beckoned on the farmers’ fields and wooded knolls for three days, then, like an alluring siren, had disappeared. To Southerners, the fault lay not with the great chieftain, Lee, but with his most trusted and senior lieutenant, James Longstreet.

How old was Robert E Lee when he took command?

Together, they fashioned a plan that would carry the Confederate army northward in a second invasion of Union territory. Longstreet was 42 years old at the time, the senior subordinate officer in the army. Since Lee had assumed command of the Confederacy’s major force on June 1, 1862, Longstreet had emerged as Lee’s finest lieutenant.

Why did Lee not attack Heth’s forces on July 1?

Since this is precisely what happened with Heth’s forces on July 1, precipitating the whole battle, Lee was most likely eager not to repeat that mistake. Again, there are countless writings on the subject analyzing it from all sides.

Why did Lee make the decision he did?

In the end, Lee made the decision he did based on what he thought was best at the moment. Second-guessing by subordinates who didn’t bear the responsibility for the decision, or Monday-morning quarterbacking, is always easier. Certainly, Lee may have been wrong, and Longstreet right.

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