
What are the features of safe practice in counselling?

What are the features of safe practice in counselling?

Keeping trust

  • attentiveness to the quality of listening and respect offered to clients.
  • culturally appropriate ways of communicating that are courteous and clear.
  • respect for privacy and dignity.
  • careful attention to client consent and confidentiality.

What is a safe and suitable environment for counselling?

The minimal requirements for a counselling room are that it facilitates confidentiality in terms of both: sound (preventing anyone outside the room or in an adjacent room overhearing) vision (so that any passers-by cannot see the client sitting there, for example through an external window or a glass pane in the door)

What are the features of counselling?

Characteristics of Counselling:

  • Counselling is highly personal process.
  • It is joint quest of counsellor and counsellee.
  • The counsellor brings change in his feelings and emotions.
  • The counsellor should have full understanding of his task.

Why is safe and ethical practice needed in counselling?

Ethical frameworks in counselling give us a set of standards to work to, helping to ensure consistency in provision across the profession – and thus also a benchmark for accountability (so supporting the investigation of any complaints from clients).

What are the five principles of Counselling?

The five bedrock principles of autonomy, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and fidelity are each vital in and of themselves to a healthy counseling relationship. By exploring an ethical dilemma with regard to these principles, a counselor may come to a better understanding of the conflicting issues.

What are the basic principles of Counselling?

Basic principles are: . Principle of acceptance, Principle of communication, Principle of non judgmental attitude, Principle of empathy, Principle of confidentiality, Principle of individuality, Principle of non-emotional involvement, and Principle of purposeful expression of feelings.

What is the best environment for counselling?


  • welcoming (e.g. greet clients appropriately, show them where to sit)
  • comfortable (e.g. have comfortable seats, try to sit at the same level)
  • a place with few distractions (e.g. no telephone, or interruptions from other staff or family members)

What are the good qualities of a Counsellor?

The Qualities of a Good Counselor

  • Communication skills. Communication skills will play a key role in your relationship with your clients.
  • Patience. Patience will become a critical trait as a counselor.
  • Confidence.
  • Non-judgmental.
  • Observant.
  • Listening Skills.
  • Trust.
  • Respectful.

What is the main aim of counselling?

The main aim of counselling is thus to create an emotionally safe space and an accepting, caring relationship in which the client can explore, discover and clarify ways of living more satisfyingly and resourcefully. Throughout the counselling process, the responsibility for growth and change remains with the client.

What is being trustworthy in Counselling?

Being trustworthy asks that we keep in mind the importance of trust in the counsellor/ client relationship. A young client speaks to us about their private life, and they do so believing they can trust us with their deepest feelings, most worrying thoughts and challenging circumstances.

What are the six ethical principles of counseling?

Six ethical principles underlie ethical counseling practice; they are autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity (Box 5.1).

What should be included in a suitable counselling environment?

Describe the key features which ensure that counselling takes place in a suitable and safe environment and say why (i.e. if you had to design a counselling room, say what you would include in your design and offer a justification for their inclusion).

What should be the layout of a counselling room?

The use of lamps as opposed to harsh overhead lighting can be beneficial, provided that it is of a suitable level so as to observe facial expressions, gestures and other expressions of emotion. The layout of the room should be purpose-built to encourage and maximise communication.

What makes a good rapport in counselling?

Having an accepting manner, including remaining unshocked, whatever the client brings; being non-judgemental, however much the client’s behaviour surprises or appalls us; offering unconditional positive regard (UPR) to the client, however they have been behaving; and maintaining respect for the person (though not always condoning the behaviour).

Is there enough space in a counselling room?

Providing sufficient space in both waiting and counselling rooms is paramount, so as not to create feelings of intrusion upon personal space. Clear boundaries should be defined between ‘public areas’ and ‘semi-private areas’, which can be achieved through strategic placement of furniture and plants.

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