
What is the domain of a blue whale?

What is the domain of a blue whale?

Blue whale/Domain

What is a whale classified as?


Whale An informal group within the infraorder Cetacea
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla

What is the domain for orca whale?


Which kingdom and family do whales belong to?

Whales belong to the kingdom Animalia because whales have many cells, ingest food, and are formed from a “blastula” (from a fertilized egg).

Is killer whale and orca the same thing?

Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest of the dolphins and one of the world’s most powerful predators. They’re immediately recognizable by their distinctive black-and-white coloring.

How much food does a whale eat per day?

DIET AND BALEEN An average-sized humpback whale will eat 4,400-5,500 pounds (2000-2500 kg) of plankton, krill and small, schooling fish each day during the feeding season in cold waters (about 120 days). They eat twice a day.

Why do whales belong to the kingdom Animalia?

Whales belong to the kingdom Animalia because whales have many cells, ingest food, and are formed from a “blastula” (from a fertilized egg). An animal from the phylum Chordata has a spinal cord and gill pouches.

What is the scientific name for an orca whale?

Orca Whale Classification : Scientific Name: Orcinius Orca : Common Name: Killer Whale : Complete Scientific Classification: Domain: Eukarya: Kingdom: Animalia: Phylum: Chordata: Subphylum: Vertebrata: Class: Mammalia Order: Cetacea Suborder: Odontoceti: Family: Delphinidae: Genus: Orcinus: Species : Orcinus Orca

How are blue whales related to other animals?

These classifications allow people to better understand how marine mammals are related to other animals. The example below explains the taxonomy for blue whales. Whales belong to the kingdom Animalia because whales have many cells, ingest food, and are formed from a “blastula” (from a fertilized egg).

What’s the scientific name for the blue whale?

Aerial view of a blue whale. People that are not scientists use common names. For example, the blue whale is known by two names. Most people call them by their common name, blue whale, while scientists use the scientific name, Balaenoptera musculus .

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