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What are Hera physical characteristics?
Appearance of Hera Hera was a beautiful, mature woman with big eyes and pierced lobes. She always took care of her appearance, dressing elegantly and decently. However, Hera was not really a desirable woman, despite her beauty.
Is Hera a protagonist?
Hera (Roman counterpart named Juno) is a major protagonist and antagonist in a variety of Greek myths. She is the youngest daughter of Kronos and Rhea, and the Greek goddess of women and marriage, family, childbirth, sky and queenship. Being the last wife of Zeus, Hera is also Queen of the Olympian gods.
What does Hera look like description?
HERA was the Olympian queen of the gods, and the goddess of marriage, women, the sky and the stars of heaven. She was usually depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a crown and holding a royal, lotus-tipped sceptre, and sometimes accompanied by a lion, cuckoo or hawk.
What color is Hera’s eyes?
Hera has long aubergine hair that is seen to be tied in a braid with gold and silver ribbon weaved in. Hera possesses cyan-blue eyes and is taller than the average human like all the other gods. Hera is incredibly beautiful and seems to appear as a perfect woman, like all the other goddesses.
What are 4 traits of Hera?
Personality. Hera is very demanding, vain, easily-offended and short-tempered. Despite all that, she does realize the errors of her ways by slaying someone, punishing them, can be wrong. When Zeus cheats on her, she become extremely jealous, vengeful, cruel, vindictive, merciless and ruthless.
What kind of Woman is the Hera archetype?
The Hera archetype has perhaps historically been seen as the most idealised form of womanhood, being as she is primarily a caregiver but combining this with qualities of strength, courage, determination, protectiveness and authority.
What was the role of Hera in Greek mythology?
From fruits to winged sandals, test your knowledge in this study of Greek and Roman mythology. In general, Hera was worshipped in two main capacities: (1) as consort of Zeus and queen of heaven and (2) as goddess of marriage and of the life of women.
Who are the siblings of the goddess Hera?
Hera was the daughter of the God Cronus and Goddess Rhea. As well as Zeus her other siblings were Poseidon, Hades, Demeter and Hestia.
Who are the offspring of Zeus and Hera?
Hera presides over the right ordering of marriage. The legitimate offspring of her union with Zeus are Ares (the god of war), Hebe (the goddess of youth), Eris (the goddess of discord) Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth), Enyo.