
What word means to set free or liberate?

What word means to set free or liberate?

Frequently Asked Questions About liberate Some common synonyms of liberate are emancipate, free, manumit, and release. While all these words mean “to set loose from restraint or constraint,” liberate stresses particularly the resulting state of liberty.

What is a word for to set free?

What is another word for set free?

unfetter unleash
unloose unshackle
untie let loose
set loose turn loose
release free

What is set free?

set free in American English to cause to be free; release; liberate.

Which word does liberate not corresponding to?

The answer of your latest question is option a)political emancipation.

What does it mean to set free?

set free in American English to cause to be free; release; liberate.

How do you describe being free?

enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people. exempt from external authority, interference, restriction, etc., as a person or one’s will, thought, choice, action, etc.; independent; unrestricted. able to do something at will; at liberty: free to choose.

What is the opposite of Set Free?

Opposite of to release from confinement. imprison. confine. incarcerate.

What part of speech is set free?


part of speech: adjective
part of speech: adverb
inflections: freer, freest
definition 1: without being held back or controlled. The dog likes to run free.
definition 2: without cost. Children ride free on this bus.

What is the synonym of liberation?

freeing, release, discharge, deliverance, salvation, rescue, relief, extrication, setting free. loosing, unloosing, unshackling, unfettering, unchaining, untying, unbinding. freedom, liberty. emancipation.

How do you say something is free?


  1. as a gift.
  2. chargeless.
  3. complimentary.
  4. costless.
  5. for love.
  6. for nothing.
  7. free of charge.
  8. free ride.

Which is the best synonym for the word liberate?

Synonym Discussion of liberate. free, release, liberate, emancipate, manumit mean to set loose from restraint or constraint. free implies a usually permanent removal from whatever binds, confines, entangles, or oppresses.

What is another word for ” set free “?

set free. Contexts . . Verb. To allow or enable to escape from confinement. To release from confinement. Adjective. Not confined or imprisoned. … more .

Which is the correct spelling release or liberate?

The words release and liberate can be used in similar contexts, but release suggests a setting loose from confinement, restraint, or a state of pressure or tension, often without implication of permanent liberation. Get Word of the Day daily email! Which is the correct spelling?

What’s the difference between liberate and emancipate?

While all these words mean “to set loose from restraint or constraint,” liberate stresses particularly the resulting state of liberty. When would emancipate be a good substitute for liberate?

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