
What part of the cell stores waste?

What part of the cell stores waste?

Cell Structure

vacuole stores water, waste products, food, and other cellular materials
Golgi bodies membranes that sort protein
lysosome breaks down food molecules, cell wastes, and worn-out cell parts
compound light microscope uses light and one or more lenses to view cells

What cell stores food and waste?

The organelle that stores food, water, and waste in a plant cell is known as a vacuole.

What part of a plant cell stores food and water?

Vacuoles are storage bubbles found in cells. They are found in both animal and plant cells but are much larger in plant cells. Vacuoles might store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from contamination.

Where does the cell store food?

Explanation: The cytoplasm of cells stores water, food and other substances.

What cell produces proteins?

When a cell needs to make proteins, it looks for ribosomes. Ribosomes are the protein builders or the protein synthesizers of the cell. They are like construction guys who connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains. Ribosomes are special because they are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

What stores waste in a cell?

Vacuole. The Vacuole stores food and any other nutrients the cell might need to survive. The Vacuole also stores waste products so the cell won’t be contaminated. Eventually, the waste products will come out of the cell.

What part of the cell stores food?

The stroma is the colorless, spongy cell matrix that supports the plant cell itself. In tubers, rhizomes and other starch-storing plant organs, it also acts as a place to store food for later use.

What stores water in a plant cell?

A vacuole is a sphere filled with fluid and molecules inside a cell. The central vacuole stores water and maintains turgor pressure in a plant cell. It also pushes the contents of the cell toward the cell membrane, which allows the plant cells to take in more light energy for making food through photosynthesis.

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