
How did Chinese society change during the Tang and Song periods?

How did Chinese society change during the Tang and Song periods?

Explanation: In Tang China, women were able to have more rights, especially during Wu Zetian’s reign. In Song China, Confucianism was valued more and this suppressed women. The most significant change for women was foot-binding.

How did Chinese society change during the Song dynasty?

During the Song (Sung) Dynasty (960-1276), technology was highly advanced in fields as diverse as agriculture, iron-working, and printing. Indeed, scholars today talk of a Song economic revolution. The population grew rapidly during this time, and more and more people lived in cities.

How did China’s economy change under the Tang and Song dynasties?

How did the Chinese government change during the Tang dynasty? The govt of the Tang and Song constructed the Grand Canal which improved the transportation of goods and people. They also introduced a money economy. The creation of paper money by the Song dynasty made trade even more important.

What was the overall impact of the Tang Song era on Chinese history?

What was the overall impact of the Tang-Song era on chinese history? Their era is highlighted by improvements in education, transportation, banking etc. They introduced the idea of flying money and the first forms of currency. The also made the Grand Canal making transportation and trade throughout China much easier.

What was the political and social developments in Song China?

Chinese society during the Song dynasty (960–1279) was marked by political and legal reforms, a philosophical revival of Confucianism, and the development of cities beyond administrative purposes into centers of trade, industry, and maritime commerce.

What were the three levels of Chinese society?

From the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty (221 B.C.- A.D. 1840), the Chinese government divided Chinese people into four classes: landlord, peasant, craftsmen, and merchant.

What were the effects of Champa rice on China?

How did Champa rice affect the Chinese economy? The Champa rices, unlike the popular varieties of the time, at first gave lower yields than most traditional Chinese varieties. But farmers selected and developed higher-yielding varieties to grow in the well-watered lowland fields (Bray 1986).

How did Champa rice effect China?

997–1022). Song dynasty officials gave the quick-growing champa rice to peasants across China in order to boost their crop yields, and its rapid growth time was crucial in feeding the burgeoning Chinese population of over 100 million.

What was the overall impact of the Tang Song era on Chinese history explain and give examples?

The Tang and Song dynasties had a great effect on both Chinese and world history. Centralized administration and the bureaucratic apparatus were restored and strengthened. The scholar-gentry elite triumphed over Buddhist, aristocratic, and nomadic rivals.

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