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Do minerals have a repeating pattern of atoms?

Do minerals have a repeating pattern of atoms?

The atoms in minerals are arranged in regular, repeating patterns that can be used to identify that mineral. Minerals are divided into groups based on their chemical composition.

What is a solid mineral with a repeating pattern of atoms?

crystals. solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules present throughout the mineral. silicate minerals.

What is the pattern of atoms in a mineral?

The atoms in a mineral are arranged in an organised ‘atomic structure’. They connect together to form molecules, and the molecules stack together in a regular pattern to form a crystal. The shape of a crystal depends on the way the molecules are stacked up inside it.

What are the two main sources of minerals?

Trace minerals (microminerals)

Mineral Function Sources
Chromium Works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels Unrefined foods, especially liver, brewer’s yeast, whole grains, nuts, cheeses
Molybdenum Part of some enzymes Legumes; breads and grains; leafy greens; leafy, green vegetables; milk; liver

What kind of minerals have a repeating pattern?

solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules present throughout the mineral. silicate minerals. minerals that contain a combination of silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals.

What makes a solid form of a mineral?

solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules present throughout the mineral. minerals that contain a combination of silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals. minerals that don’t contain compounds of silicon and oxygen.

Which is the best description of a mineral?

solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules present throughout the mineral. minerals that contain a combination of silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals. minerals that don’t contain compounds of silicon and oxygen. minerals composed of only one element.

How is the way a mineral breaks apart?

the way a mineral breaks apart, tendency of some minerals to break along smooth, flat surfaces. the way a mineral breaks apart, tendency of some minerals to break unevenly along curved or irregular surfaces. mineral’s resistance to be scratched, determined by the Moh’s hardness scale.

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