
Do you capitalize president and Congress?

Do you capitalize president and Congress?

Rule: Capitalize the titles of high-ranking government officials when used with or before their names. Do not capitalize the civil title if it is used instead of the name. Examples: The president will address Congress.

Should the senator be capitalized?

The House of Representatives and the Senate are also capitalized. Examples of capitalizing the word include the U.S. Congress, Congress, etc.

Do you capitalize former congressman?

The words “congressman” and “congresswomen” can be used in subsequent references if they do not use the individual’s name, just as senator is used in references to members of the Senate. “Congressman” and “Congresswoman” should appear as capitalized formal titles only when they precede a name in a direct quotation.

What is the abbreviation for Congressman?

CONGRESSMAN, CONGRESSWOMAN: Rep. and U.S. Rep. are the preferred first reference forms when a formal title is used before the name of a U.S. House member.

Is Mayor capitalized without a name?

Formal titles, such as Mayor, Chief, Queen should be capitalized preceding the name, but not after. Such titles should not be capitalized when standing alone. Examples: Mayor Jane Smith.

What is the title of a congressman?

When formally introducing U.S. representatives, introduce them as “Congressman/Congresswoman,” or “the honorable,” followed by his or her last name and “the representative from” and the state represented. State representatives should be formally introduced as Mr., Mrs. or Ms., followed by his or her last name.

How do you list a congressman in a program?

In conversation or a salutation use the honorific to which they are entitled prior to taking office. They will be addressed orally or in a salutation as ‘Congressman/woman (Surname)’ or ‘Representative (Surname)’ once they have taken the oath of office.

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