
How did Gandalf save Bilbo and the dwarves?

How did Gandalf save Bilbo and the dwarves?

Gandalf’s clever trickery distracts the trolls enough that they do not realize that dawn approaches, and when the sun rises, the trolls immediately turn to stone, thus freeing the dwarves and Bilbo.

How did Gandalf rescue the dwarves?

Gandalf returns and tricks the trolls into staying out past dawn and they turn to stone, because trolls must be underground during the day. Gandalf and Bilbo free the dwarves. They find the trolls’ secret cave and help themselves to food, clothes, swords, and gold coins, and then they go to sleep.

How does Gandalf help Bilbo?

Thus Gandalf makes the secret mark on Bilbo’s front door that causes the dwarves to visit him in Chapter 1, and he supplies Bilbo with handkerchiefs and tobacco at the start of his journey so he will not have an excuse to turn back.

How was Bilbo saved?

When Bilbo finds the Dwarves after waking up (helped by his enchanted ring that makes him invisible) he realises that they have been paralysed and wrapped up in spiderwebs by the Spiders.

Why did Gandalf leave at end?

Q: Why Does Gandalf Leave Bilbo and the Dwarves in The Hobbit? ANSWER: Gandalf’s in-story reason for leaving “Thorin and Company” is given as his need to attend some urgent business away south (a council of great wizards who deal with the Necromancer). Bilbo’s first real solo adventure is his encounter with Gollum.

Why did Gandalf like hobbits so much?

So you see, Bilbo was not an ‘ordinary’ hobbit, not as much as he liked to think. Gandalf ‘felt’ that he was bolder than the other hobbits and he decided to have Bilbo join Thorin and his company. Gandalf (and many others) regarded Bilbo and Frodo as the best hobbits in whole Middle-earth. “That’s right,” said Gandalf.

Why is Gandalf skeptical of Bilbo Baggins?

As they climb up out of the valley and the weather gets colder and the terrain more dangerous, Bilbo thinks of the joys of summer back at home. The dwarves are hopeful of reaching the Lonely Mountain by Durin’s Day, but Gandalf is skeptical because he knows that the land they are traveling has become evil and dangerous.

How did Gandalf get away from the goblins?

When the Goblins try to grab Gandalf, he creates a great lightning-like flash in the cave and several Goblins fall dead. The crack closes, and Gandalf disappears. With whips, the Goblins drive Bilbo and the dwarves to the cavern of the Great Goblin.

How did Bilbo Baggins get out of the cave?

Bilbo dreams that a crack opens in the back of the cave; he wakes to find that the crack is real and that the ponies have disappeared through it and Goblins have entered. When the Goblins try to grab Gandalf, he creates a great lightning-like flash in the cave and several Goblins fall dead. The crack closes, and Gandalf disappears.

How did Thorin and Bilbo get rid of the goblins?

Suddenly, the lights go off and the sword Glamdring (also called Foe-hammer or Beater), appears by itself, and runs through the Great Goblin, killing him. Gandalf’s voice leads the dwarves and Bilbo out of the cavern. The Goblins chase after them until, finally, Thorin and Gandalf turn and, with their swords, kill several of the Goblins.

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