
How do I know my Citibank account number?

How do I know my Citibank account number?

How to Find Citibank Account Number

  1. The account number is mentioned in the chequebook. Towards the bottom, there will be numbers mentioned.
  2. On the backside of the Debit card, the account number is mentioned. First 10 digits indicate the account number.

How many digits an account number has?

Account numbers may be up to 17 digits long. Some banks list the routing number first on the check, while other banks list the account number first, and still more list the routing number, check number, then account number.

How long is a Citibank account number?

Citibank Savings Account The 10-digit account number does not include Bank Code and Branch Code.

How can I get my Citibank account details?


  1. Launch your web browser and open the Citibank website.
  2. You will be prompted to log in to your Citibank account.
  3. Your banking account should have all the relevant information about your account including your account number.
  4. Check for your account number which should be clearly displayed.

Can an account number be 7 digits?

How long is your account number? If you said “7-digits”, you’re only half right. Your account number is your 7-digit Member number PLUS the 6-digit prefix that indicates checking, savings or other share type.

Does my Citi credit card have a routing number?

Your Citibank routing number will be 9 digits and will be located on the lower left corner of your check. The number immediately to the right will be your account number. You can also find your routing number by logging into your Citibank online account.

Where is the routing number on a Citibank check?

If you have a Citibank checking account, you can also find your routing number on a check — the check routing number is the first nine numbers in the lower left corner. You might not have a check handy, however, so you can also call 800-374-9700 any time at Citibank to find the routing number for your account.

How do I access my Citibank account online?

How To Log In to Citibank Online Using Mobile Devices

  1. Download the Citi app for your device.
  2. Open the app after it has downloaded.
  3. Enter your Citibank online banking login information, including your user ID and password.
  4. Sign out when your session is complete.

How do I view my Citibank statement online?

Via Citibank Netbanking

  1. Login to Citibank Online using your User ID and IPIN.
  2. From the homepage, go to the ‘Credit Card’ section.
  3. Click on the ‘e-statement’ option on the left-hand side.
  4. Click on ‘View your statement online’
  5. Select the required month from the list of archived statements.

Can a bank account number be 8 digits?

Your account number will be the group of numbers in the center, between the routing number and the check number. Typically, an account number can be eight or nine digits to signify your personal account.

How do I find my 16 digit bank account number?

A debit card number is the 16-digit number that features prominently on the front or back of a debit card. It provides information about the card issuer and the client’s account. Although every debit card is linked to a particular checking account, the debit card number is different from the checking account number.

How do I Find my Citibank credit card account number?

How to Find Citibank Account Number. The Account number is mentioned in the chequebook. Towards the bottom, there will be numbers mentioned. The first set of digits is the ‘check’ number followed by a few spaces and the next set of digits, which is the sorting code or IBAN of the bank.

How do I contact Citibank?

Visit Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Contact us” link. Dial the number that relates to your Citibank question or concern from the middle of the page, under “Phone.” For example, if you’re calling about a lost credit card, you’ll need to dial 1-800-950-5114, while the number for online banking is 1-800-374-9700.

Is Citibank a real bank?

Citibank is the consumer division of financial services multinational Citigroup. Citibank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, and later became First National City Bank of New York. The bank has 2,649 branches in 19 countries, including 723 branches in the United States and 1,494 branches in Mexico operated by its subsidiary Banamex. [citation needed] The U.S. branches are

What is my Citi account number?

If you have a Citi credit card your account number is the 16 digit number found on the front of your card. When registering for Citi Online Banking and you are prompted to enter your account number use your card number. If you are having difficulty locating your account number read the above section ‘I forgot my account number’.

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