
How do you respond to good night?

How do you respond to good night?

It would be odd. If someone said to you “Have a good night”, then it would be a sensible reply. Thanks velisarius. I thought “Goodnight” meant “Have a good night”, so it makes sense to say “you too”–if it is odd, I have been guilty with this oddity a few times!

Can you say you too to good night?

You also raise an interesting point that had not occurred to me before: one would be expected to reciprocate the greeting “Good night!” using the same form of words, but if someone says “Have a nice day!” (as they often do here in the US), it’s considered perfectly OK to reply with “You too!” or “Same to you!”

What can I say instead of good night?

The following are some cute ways to say good night to your loved ones:

  • Goodnight, the love of my life!
  • Goodnight and sweet dreams.
  • It’s time to ride the rainbow to dreamland.
  • Night night.
  • Can’t wait to wake up next to you!
  • Sleep tonight.
  • I’ll dream of you tonight and see you tomorrow, my true love.

Should you say good night text?

The short answer is that no, it’s not weird to send a good night text or simple goodnight messages to a friend. Many friends do that, especially close friends or best friends. It’s all about context. Most of the time, if a friend sends a good night text, it’s because you two were already talking.

How do you say goodnight to your crush?

Saying “nighty night,” “night,” “night sleep tight,” and “night sweet dreams” are cute ways to say goodnight to your crush. Good night texts don’t have to be anything complicated. Solid good night texts are sweet and can be slightly flirty if wanted.

How do you text someone you like Goodnight?

  1. I wish I could fall asleep in your arms.
  2. Sweet dreams, babe/darling/sweetheart/my love.
  3. Goodnight.
  4. Goodnight.
  5. Just texting to say I love you before bed.
  6. Dream sweet, my love/darling/sweetheart.
  7. I just wanted to text to say goodnight and that I’m thinking of you.

What should be the reply of take care?

Since “Take care” would normally be said to someone who is departing by someone who is staying, it might not always be appropriate to say “you too”. Instead “Thanks” or “Thanks, I will”, or “Will do” may be better replies.

How do you say goodnight formally?

Generally, people tend to use ‘Good Evening’ instead of ‘Good Night’ during formal conversations, but that doesn’t mean ‘Good Night’ is any less formal.

What should you reply to a goodnight text?

It’s only appropriate to send a reply. You can do this several ways—you can text them back ‘goodnight’, ‘sweet dreams’, ‘bonne nuit’ (good night in french) or send a them an goodnight emoticon or GIF. That’s all you need to do! Fast.

What do you say when someone says Good Night?

Have a sweet dream my love! If you feel lonely don’t worry. I am here to disturb you all the time. Now sleep well. Good night dear. Have a wonderful scary dream! When I say GOOD night, I actually want you to be a GOOD boy at night. So don’t think about any girl except me. Good night handsome. The quietness of this beautiful night reminds me of you.

Do You Say Goodnight back in a relationship?

, I have been through many different types of relationships. yes you say goodnight back and if you are dating the person you say goodnight babe or if she is a girl you say goodnight beautiful because that always works and if he is a guy you say goodnight sexy

Are there any funny good night messages or wishes?

Funny Good Night Messages : Everyday life for us is full of boredom, stress, and business! When we return to our homes at the end of the day, our tired bodies and minds feel absolutely drained.

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