
How is motor unit recruitment achieved in vivo?

How is motor unit recruitment achieved in vivo?

In vivo motor unit recruitment is achieved when you need to lift something heavy and need to activate more motor units. Describe how increasing the stimulus frequency affected the force developed by the isolated whole skeletal muscle in this activity.

How is this effect achieved in vivo?

How is this change in whole-muscle force achieved in vivo? In vivo, the body uses acetylcholine to change the electrochemical gradient causing changes in membrane potential.

How does wave summation occur?

If the fibers are stimulated while a previous twitch is still occurring, the second twitch will be stronger. This response is called wave summation, because the excitation-contraction coupling effects of successive motor neuron signaling is summed, or added together (Figure 4a).

What is Wave summation?

Wave summation. Wave summation. Also called temporal summation. Phenomenon seen when another stimulus is applied to a muscle before the previous relaxation period is complete, resulting in a stronger contraction. May be due to greater calcium availability in stimulated muscle cells.

How do you increase muscle recruitment?

Bolster the muscle fibers you’ve ignored. Athletes who utilize fast-twitch fibers more often can recruit their slow-twitch ones by doing high volumes of low- to moderate-intensity work with little rest, says Duthie, like swimming or jogging at a comfortable pace.

What is stimulus frequency?

Stimulus frequency- how often stimulus applied (rate of delivery) Describe the force of contraction with each subsequent stimulus.

What is the difference between stimulus intensity and frequency?

Stimulus intensity describes the amount of force generated to administer the stimulus. The more force that is used will increase the stimulus intensity. Stimulus frequency refers to the rate of delivered stimulus to the muscle. Describe the force of contraction with each subsequent stimulus.

What is an example of wave summation?

Wave summation occurs as a result of quick firing of impulses so that that muscle fibres belonging to that motor unit do not have time to relax. Therefore force exerted by a single motor unit increases. For example, maximal forces required in a 100m sprint or gymnastics vault.

Is there a limit to wave summation?

Wave summation: Recall that a muscle twitch can last up to 100 ms and that an action potential lasts only 1-2 ms. Also, with the muscle twitch, there is not refractory period so it can be re-stimulated at any time.

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