
Is knackered a offensive word?

Is knackered a offensive word?

Slang use. “Knackered” meaning tired, exhausted or broken in British and Irish slang is commonly used in Australia, Ireland, Newfoundland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. The word has also been used as a derogatory term against members of the Travelling Community in both Britain & Ireland.

What’s wrong with saying knackered?

Most commonly that means horses, whose remains have been used for dog food and in the manufacture of glue. So if you say you’re knackered, you mean you feel as tired as an old and useless horse, fit only for the knacker’s yard. As a phrase, knackered is not for polite use, but not offensive either.

How do you use the word knackered?

Knackered sentence example Needless to say the fellow was absolutely knackered in the morning. Despite my legs felling totally knackered I went off in pursuit of the guy in front. I was completely knackered anyway being the only client I was playing most of the fish. I am usually too knackered to make the effort.

Is knackered in the Oxford dictionary?

knackered adjective – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What does Nakerd mean?

[ nak-erd ] SHOW IPA. / ˈnæk ərd / PHONETIC RESPELLING. 📓 High School Level. adjective British Slang. exhausted; very tired: He is really knackered after work.

What Knackers means?

1 British : a buyer of worn-out domestic animals or their carcasses for use especially as animal food or fertilizer. 2 British : a buyer of old structures for their constituent materials.

What is having a kip?

Kip is sleep. If you kip somewhere, usually somewhere that is not your own home or bed, you sleep there.

Why do we say knackered?

Knackered is derived from the past participle of knacker, a slang term meaning “to kill,” as well as “to tire, exhaust, or wear out.” The origins of the verb knacker are uncertain, but the word is perhaps related to an older noun knacker, which originally referred to a harness-maker or saddlemaker, and later referred …

What does knackered mean in the English dictionary?

knackered. / (ˈnækəd) / adjective British slang. exhausted; tired out. worn out; no longer working, esp after long or hard use.

What is meaning of snookered?

verb (used with object) Slang. to deceive, cheat, or dupe: to be snookered by a mail order company.

Why is kip slang for sleep?

The phrase tattering a kip meaning “wrecking a brothel”. The word then came to be used for lodging-houses and finally to refer to the act of sleeping itself.

What’s the meaning of the word knackered around children?

When I was at school, the story was that it meant “tired from having sex” and DP has just said the same. Not sure if that’s really right, but that’s the meaning it has around here. As a kid I was under the impression it was a bit of a swear word, I am sure someone told me it meant something like ‘tired from having too much sex’!

Is the word’knackered’a rude word?

Yes, it is a rude word but don’t think most people are aware of that. This has been done recently. I think in years gone by it was used to mean exhausted after sex or something so quite a few people frown upon it. I didn’t know that before.

What does DS mean when he says knackered?

But then my DS (7) has just said “he was being a right bottom-hole” clearly thinking he was being polite so perhaps I’m not the best judge!!

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