
What are some Spanish adjectives that start with O?

What are some Spanish adjectives that start with O?

Adjectives That Describe Character

Adjectives Pronunciation Meaning
optimista ohp-tee-MEES-tah optimistic
ordenado ohr-day-NAH-doh tidy
orgulloso ohr-goo-YOH-soh proud
original oh-ree-hee-NAHL original

What is something start with O?


  • oakiness.
  • oarlocks.
  • oatcakes.
  • oatmeals.
  • obduracy.
  • obdurate.
  • obeahism.
  • Do any Spanish words start with Q?

    Spanish words starting with Q:

    Spanish word meaning in English features
    que aproveche bon appétit, enjoy your meal {interj}
    quebracho a quebracho tree {m}
    quebrada gorge, ravine {f}
    quebradero de cabeza headache, worry {m}

    What is a Spanish word that starts with RR?

    Spanish Spelling Words that Contain RR

    Spanish English Pronunciation
    El jarro Jug hahr-roh
    El perro Dog pair-roh
    La torre Tower tohr-ray
    El zorro Fox sohr-roh

    What is a word that starts with R in Spanish?

    RA- Words

    Spanish English Pronunciation
    Raro Weird rah-roh
    La rata Rat rah-tah
    La raya Stripe rah-yah
    La raza Race (ethinic group or breed) rah-sah

    What are some O Spanish words?

    Buenos días = Good morning

  • Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches = Good evening
  • my name is John
  • Me llamo… = My name is…
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? = What’s your name?
  • Mucho gusto = Nice to meet you
  • ¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
  • gracias = I’m well thank you
  • Disculpa. ¿Dónde está el baño? = Excuse me. Where is the bathroom?
  • What are some 8 letter words starting with O?

    List of Words with 8-letters that Starts with Letter ‘O’. O`Connor. O`Keeffe. obduracy. obdurate. obedient. obituary. objector.

    What are some easy words to learn in Spanish?

    Top 100 Spanish Words. 1. gracias (thanks) 2. ser (be) 3. a (to) 4. ir (to go) 5. estar (to be) 6. bueno (good) 7. de (of, from) 8. su (your, her, his, their) 9. hacer (to do, to make) 10. amigo (friend) 11. por favor (please) 12. no (no) 13. en (on, in) 14. haber (“to have” as an auxiliary verb) 15.

    What are some things that start with O?

    50 Nouns Starting with O Oaf – a clumsy person Oasis – a fertile place where there is water in the midst of a desert Oatmeal – oats that are ground into flakes Obedience – the willingness to obey Obesity – the condition of being overweight Object – anything that is visible Obligation – something someone is required to do Oblivion – the state of being forgotten

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