
What are the 10 nutritional guidelines for Filipino?

What are the 10 nutritional guidelines for Filipino?

The Nutritional Guidelines consist of ten messages: • Eat a variety of foods everyday • Breast-feed infants exclusively from birth to 6 months, and then, give appropriate foods while continuing breast-feeding • Maintain children’s normal growth through proper diet and monitor their growth regularly • Consume fish, lean …

What are the basic nutrition guidelines?

Choose whole grains: Get at least six to eight servings of whole grains each day. Grains should fill a quarter of your plate at each meal. Steer clear of trans and saturated fats, sodium (salt), sugars, and cholesterol: Limit fat to only about 20 to 35 percent of total calorie intake and avoid trans and saturated fats.

What are the five nutritional guidelines?


  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Maintain desirable weight.
  • Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
  • Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber.
  • Avoid too much sugar.
  • Avoid too much sodium.
  • If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

What is meant by nutritional guidelines?

A nutrition guide is a reference that provides nutrition advice for general health, typically by dividing foods into food groups and recommending servings of each group.

What is a Filipino diet?

The Filipino diet is of limited diversity wherein white rice, pork and breads contributed most to daily intake of energy, protein, carbohydrates, thiamine, riboflavin, and iron. Many nutrient-dense food groups such as vegetables, fruit, and dairy were seriously lacking in the diet.

Why do you need to follow nutritional guidelines?

The guidelines provide a framework that you can adapt to your needs, preferences, traditions and budget. Focus on meeting food group needs with nutrient-dense foods and beverages, and stay within calorie limits. Nutrient-dense foods provide vitamins, minerals and other health-promoting components.

What are the 5 groups of food?

As the MyPlate icon shows, the five food groups are Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, and Dairy.

What are the nutritional guidelines for adults?

Nutritional Recommendations for Adults

  • Use a variety of foods every day.
  • Eat foods low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Eat moderate amounts of sugar.
  • Eat a limited amount of salt and sodium.
  • Drink adequate amounts of water.
  • Exercise portion control.

What is the function of nutritional recommendations?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutrient needs, promote health, and prevent disease. It is developed and written for a professional audience, including policymakers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and Federal nutrition program operators.

What are the nutritional guidelines for the Filipinos?

The Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos (NGF) is a set of dietary guidelines based on the eating pattern, lifestyle, and health status of Filipinos. The NGF contains all the nutrition messages to healthy living for all age groups from infants to adults, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

How to be a healthy person in the Philippines?

Filipinos have changed their lifestyle, thus chronic degenerative diseases have become serious health problems. For a healthy lifestyle, Filipinos should have healthy diets, exercise regularly, abstain from smoking and drink alcohol moderately. (Reference: Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos, FNRI, DOST)

What foods are good to eat in the Philippines?

– Consume milk, milk products, and other calcium-rich food such as small fish and shellfish, everyday for healthy bones and teeth. – Consume safe foods and water to prevent diarrhea and other food-and water-borne diseases. – Use iodized salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders.

When to start breast feeding in the Philippines?

Eat a variety of foods, to provide all the nutrients required in the proper amount and balance as the human body needs more than 40 different nutrients for good health. Breast-feed infants exclusively from birth to 4-6 months and then give appropriate foods while continuing breast-feeding for up to 2 years of age or longer.

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