Users' questions

What are the similarities between elliptical and spiral galaxies?

What are the similarities between elliptical and spiral galaxies?

In barred spirals, the spiral arms of the galaxy appear to spring out of the ends of the bar. As their name suggests, elliptical galaxies are round or oval, with stars distributed fairly uniformly throughout. They have a bulge and halo, like spiral galaxies, but don’t have the flat disk of stars.

How are the centers of many spiral galaxies similar to many elliptical galaxies?

Spiral and elliptical galaxies are very similiar and different. Spiral galaxies have lots of gas and dust which means it has younger stars. Elliptical galaxies have littlr gas and dust which means it has older stars. As you can see, spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies are very alike and diffferent.

What are 3 characteristics of elliptical galaxies?

There are four distinguishing characteristics of the ellipticals: (a) they have much more random star motion than orderly rotational motion (star orbits are aligned in a wide range of angles and have a wide range of eccentricities); (b) they have very little dust and gas left between the stars; (c) this means that they …

Do spiral galaxies become elliptical galaxies?

Spiral galaxies are thought to evolve into elliptical galaxies as the spirals get older. But it’s unclear how common elliptical galaxies are as they’re made up of older, dimmer stars, and are more challenging to spot.

How can you tell an elliptical galaxy?

Elliptical galaxies lack the swirling arms of their more well-known siblings, spiral galaxies. Instead, they bear the rounded shape of an ellipse, a stretched-out circle.

What are facts about elliptical galaxies?

Elliptical galaxies are made up of mostly old stars, and do not have much gas and dust. There is very little new star formation in these galaxies. Elliptical galaxies also come in many sizes. The largest galaxies we see are ellipticals, but, elliptical galaxies can also be small. About 60% of all galaxies are ellipticals.

What are the characteristics of elliptical galaxies?

Elliptical Galaxies Characteristics of Galaxies. The Hubble Tuning Fork diagram puts galaxies into categories, and each of the categories corresponds to a different type of galaxy. Spiral Galaxies. Spiral galaxies like NGC 3310 (right) have two distinct regions. Lenticular Galaxies. Irregular Galaxies.

What are the characteristics of an irregular galaxy?

An irregular galaxy is a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy. Irregular galaxies do not fall into any of the regular classes of the Hubble sequence , and they are often chaotic in appearance, with neither a nuclear bulge nor any trace of spiral arm structure.

What are the names of irregular galaxies?

An Irr-I galaxy ( Irr I) is an irregular galaxy that features some structure but not enough to place it cleanly into the Hubble sequence.

  • An Irr-II galaxy ( Irr II) is an irregular galaxy that does not appear to feature any structure that can place it into the Hubble sequence.
  • A dI-galaxy (or dIrr) is a dwarf irregular galaxy.
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