
What does it mean when a lesion is circumscribed?

What does it mean when a lesion is circumscribed?

Circumscribed masses. A circumscribed mass in mammography is a mass where the contour is clearly defined along at least 75% of its surface. The remaining 25% may, at most, be masked by the adjacent gland. Circumscribed masses first indicate benign lesions.

What is well circumscribed?

Abstract. Most well-circumscribed breast masses are benign lesions such as cysts, fibroadenomas, and intramammary lymph nodes.

Can a circumscribed mass be malignant?

The likelihood of malignancy with a circumscribed mass is very low, but additional work-up may be necessary to verify that the margins are completely circumscribed. Typical examples of benign circumscribed masses are cysts (Figure 36f-5) and fibroadenomas (Figure 36f-6).

Can a radiologist tell if it is breast cancer?

Radiologists can detect the ‘gist’ of breast cancer before any overt signs of cancer appear.

What does circumscribed margin mean?

As defined in the US lexicon (1), circumscribed margins are well defined or sharp, with an abrupt transition between the lesion and the surrounding tissue. Noncircumscribed margins encompass the remaining margin descriptors, including microlobulated, indistinct, angular, and spiculated.

What is circumscribed in medical terms?

Medical Definition of circumscribed : confined to a limited area circumscribed patches of hair loss.

What is a circumscribed margin?

What does a suspicious breast lump mean?

A severe injury to your breast tissue or nearby nerves can create a breast lump. Doctors describe this condition as fat necrosis. A collection of infected fluid (abscess) in breast tissue also can cause a breast lump, one that’s often associated with localized breast pain and inflammation of the skin. Breast cancer.

Which is the best definition of the word circumscribe?

Definition of circumscribe. transitive verb. 1a : to constrict (see constrict sense 1) the range or activity of definitely and clearly his role was carefully circumscribed.

Is the presence of a circumscribed mass suspicious?

Certainly, the presence of a partially circumscribed margin and a partially indistinct margin is suspicious, and biopsy is indicated in this situation. Stability in size from prior mammography is an important factor that suggests that a circumscribed noncystic mass is benign. The growth rates of breast cancers are quite variable.

What makes a benign circumscribed noncystic mass benign?

Stability in size from prior mammography is an important factor that suggests that a circumscribed noncystic mass is benign. The growth rates of breast cancers are quite variable. In two series, the mean doubling times for mammary carcinoma have been found to be 212 ( 8) and 325 ( 9) days, respectively.

What does it mean to have circumscribed masses on mammography?

Circumscribed Masses Masses with circumscribed margins are a common finding on mammography. An approach to the evaluation of a well-defined mass on mammography includes an assessment of the shape, density, margins, size, orientation, presence of a fatty halo, and presence of other findings (i.e., calcifications).

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