
What evidence did Alfred Wegener prove his theory?

What evidence did Alfred Wegener prove his theory?

Wegener used fossil evidence to support his continental drift hypothesis. The fossils of these organisms are found on lands that are now far apart. Grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers are found today on different continents very close to the equator.

What are 3 pieces of evidence Alfred Wegener use for his theory?

What were the 5 pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his continental drift theory? The evidence for continental drift included the fit of the continents; the distribution of ancient fossils, rocks, and mountain ranges; and the locations of ancient climatic zones.

What did Alfred Wegener propose and what was his evidence?

On top of that, Wegener learned that related species, too small to swim the oceans, were found on different continents, as were similar fossils. In 1912 he proposed that the continents we know today were once all attached in a single landmass he called Pangaea (Greek for “all earth”).

What are the 4 types of evidence for seafloor spreading?

Evidence of Sea Floor Spreading. Harry Hess’s hypothesis about seafloor spreading had collected several pieces of evidence to support the theory. This evidence was from the investigations of the molten material, seafloor drilling, radiometric age dating and fossil ages, and the magnetic stripes.

Which of the following is evidence of seafloor spreading?

Several types of evidence supported Hess’s theory of sea-floor spreading: eruptions of molten material, magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor, and the ages of the rocks themselves.

What are the 5 steps for seafloor spreading?

What are the 5 steps for seafloor spreading?

  • Magma comes out of the rift valley.
  • Magma cools to rock and hardens.
  • Rock is pushed away as new rock is formed at MOR.
  • Oceanic crust and continental crust meet at the trench.
  • Oceanic crust bends down under the continental crust.
  • Gravity pulls rock towards mantle.

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