
What geographic factors are responsible for patterns of population?

What geographic factors are responsible for patterns of population?

Physical conditions, such as climate (temperature and rainfall), landforms in terms of altitudes, the quality of the soil and the availability of energy and mine resources are the important geographical determinants of population distribution.

What are human geographical factors?

Human geography consists of a number of sub-disciplinary fields that focus on different elements of human activity and organization, for example, cultural geography, economic geography, health geography, historical geography, political geography, population geography, rural geography, social geography, transport …

What are the three geographical factors that influence the distribution of population?

Geographical factors influencing the distribution of population in the world:

  • Availability of Water – People lives where fresh water is easily available.
  • Land forms – People prefer living on flat plains and gentle slopes.
  • Climate – Areas with moderate climate attract people.

What are the advantages and disadvantages factors affecting population?


  • Climate.
  • Land-forms like Mountains and river valleys.
  • Soil.
  • Energy.
  • Political boundaries.
  • Natural accessibilities like harbors, rivers, canals, etc…
  • Cultural factors.
  • Migration control protocols.

What are the three geographical factors?

(i)Three geographical factors that influence the distribution of population are:

  • Availability of water.
  • Landforms.
  • Climate.

What are the factors affecting world population distribution?

Physical factors that affect population distribution include altitude and latitude, relief, climate, soils, vegetation, water and location of mineral and energy resources. It is important to note that most of the physical factors influence population distribution only indirectly through climatic conditions.

What are the factors that affect population distribution?

These factors provide the necessary explanation for particular patterns of population distribution are generally grouped into three categories: (1) Geographical factor (2) Economic and social factors; and (3) Demographic factors.

How are geographic factors related to population concentration?

This review of the geographical factors affecting population distribution clearly indicates that, generally, no factor by itself is responsible for the concentration of population or lack of it. All these factors are usually inter-related.

Which is the primary task of a population geographer?

The primary task of a population geographer, therefore, is to explain the irregularities in population distribution in terms of the influences of all these factors as an integral part of a dynamic process (Clarke, 1972:14). 1. Physical Factors:

How does the human population affect the environment?

Margaret has taught many Biology and Environmental Science courses and has Master’s degrees in Environmental Science and Education. The human population is constantly changing. In this lesson, we will explore the factors that cause increases and decreases in the human population, including births, deaths, immigration, and emigration.

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