
What happens if you fail the lifeguard test?

What happens if you fail the lifeguard test?

If a registrant fails the prerequisite, they will be given a second opportunity to demonstrate the prerequisite skills. They can choose to do this the same day or return for the next pre-test date for the course they are signed up for.

What tests do you have to pass to become a lifeguard?

You’ll find it’s devised into three sections: First Aid training, a pool test, and a verbal test. All three assess different skills and test the potential lifeguard in their physical and mental capabilities.

What qualifications do I need to be a lifeguard?

Lifeguard Course Pre-Requisites

  • Jump/dive into deep water.
  • Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds.
  • Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water.
  • Tread water for 30 seconds.
  • Surface dive to the floor of the pool.
  • Climb out unaided without ladder/steps and where the pool design permits.

How good at swimming do you have to be to be a lifeguard?

To qualify as a pool lifeguard, you’ll need to: be able to swim 50 metres in less than one minute. be able to swim 100 metres on your front and back without stopping. surface dive to the deepest part of the pool.

What should I wear to a lifeguard interview?

The generally accepted type of outfit to wear to a lifeguard interview is a Business-Casual one. Business-casual outfits are a cross between casual and corporate wear, and they are proper for many interviews, including the lifeguard interview.

Is the lifeguard brick test hard?

During this test, you will be required to continuously swim 300 yards, either front crawl or breast stroke. You are also required to tread water for two minutes without the use of your hands. Once you’ve’ve demonstrated you can swim, you will be required to complete the lifeguard brick test. This can be tricky.

How do you nail a lifeguard interview?

  1. What items do you need for your shift?
  2. What are the most important characteristics for a lifeguard to have?
  3. Do you have any prior experience and/or skills that could relate to this position?
  4. Have you ever had to oversee others?
  5. If a guest argued with you about pool rules, what would you do?

What do you need to know to become a lifeguard?

Lifeguard Preparation Lifeguard Training Lifeguard Certification Lifeguard Classes Lifeguard Test Lifeguard Recertification Lifeguard Manual Water Safety Water Safety Tips & Training Water Safety Instructor Certification CPRO

Why are lifeguards not required to take eye exams?

A pilot study found that one in 10 lifeguard candidates had sub-par vision, and one in six admitted to not wearing prescription eyewear. While the Visual Fitness Institute couldn’t conclusively rule that the bodies were overlooked because of poor eyesight, it did learn that there were no consistent vision standards in the lifeguard industry.

How to prepare for the American Red Cross lifeguard test?

The Red Cross provides useful study tools to help you prepare for your lifeguarding test. The American Red Cross Lifeguard Manual contains skills sheets and references to help you understand the importance of water safety and arm you with all of the knowledge necessary to help save lives and avoid injury.

What’s the minimum vision requirement for a lifeguard?

But Dr. Seiller holds lifeguards to a higher standard. He recommends a visual acuity of 20/30. That’s higher than the minimal standard to legally drive without corrective eyewear. In his view, 20/30 is not overly restrictive for a large pool of workers.

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