
What is a subroutine in programming?

What is a subroutine in programming?

Subroutines are small blocks of code in a modular program designed to perform a particular task. Since a subroutine is in itself a small program, it can contain any of the sequence , selection and iteration constructs.

What subroutine means?

: a subordinate routine specifically : a sequence of computer instructions for performing a specified task that can be used repeatedly.

What is a subroutine Class 12?

What is a subroutine? Answer: Subroutines are the basic building blocks of computer programs. Subroutines are small sections of code that are used to perform a particular task that can be used repeatedly.

How is a subroutine used?

In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. This unit can then be used in programs wherever that particular task should be performed.

How does a subroutine work?

What is subroutine in PLC?

A subroutine is used to store recurring sections of program logic that must be executed from several points within the main program logic. When the rung is TRUE, the JSR instruction jumps to a designated subroutine file stored in the program files folder.

Why is subroutine needed?

Subroutines make programs shorter as well as easier to read and understand, because they break program code into smaller sections. You can test procedures or functions separately, rather than having to test the whole program. This makes programs easier to debug.

What are the disadvantages if a subroutine?

Disadvantages. Compared to using in-line code, invoking a subroutine imposes some computational overhead in the call mechanism. A subroutine typically requires standard housekeeping code – both at the entry to, and exit from, the function (function prologue and epilogue – usually saving general purpose registers and return address as a minimum).

What is the difference between a subroutine and a function?

A subroutine and a function are essentially the same thing, with one difference: A function returns some sort of value (usually via the stack or CPU register), while a subroutine does not. Whether subroutine or function, it is a block of executable code, having exactly one point of entry.

What are the advantages of using subroutines?

Subroutines avoid the repetition of instructions.

  • They give an aspect of modular programming to the entire program.
  • Improves efficiency by reducing the size of the memory needed to store the program.
  • How to run a subroutine?

    Typing F5 in the VBA editor.

  • Selecting “Macros” from the Developer tab and choosing the subroutine from a list
  • Assigning the macro to a button or shape.
  • Typing an assigned shortcut key.
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