
What is pastimes in French?

What is pastimes in French?

[ˈpɑːstaɪm ] passe-temps m inv.

What is the formula for past tense conjugation in French?

The past tense is used when you talk about an action that took place and was completed in the past. To form the past tense, you use this formula: present tense of the verb avoir or être + the past participle.

How do you say football in French?


  1. 1. (= ball) ballon m (de football) Paul threw the football over the fence. Paul a envoyé le ballon par dessus la clôture.
  2. 2. (= sport) (Britain) football m. I like playing football. J’aime jouer au football.
  3. 3. (= American football) (US) football m américain.

What are the three past tenses in French?

Tenses of the Subjonctif Three past forms, which are the imparfait (imperfect), passé (past) and plus-que-parfait (pluperfect).

What are the 3 verb groups in French?

In French, verbs can be grouped into three different categories called groups.

  • FIRST GROUP: verbs whose INFINITIVE ends in -ER except ALLER.
  • SECOND GROUP: cthem ending in -IR (these verbs have the infinitive in -IR and the present participle in -ISSANT).
  • THIRD GROUP: All irregular verbs belong to this group.
  • Subgroup 1.

How do you say 9 00 in French?

When telling time in French we use l’heure instead of “o’clock.” For example, if you want to say it’s 9:00, you will say il est neuf heure or write 9h00. If you are not used to the 24-hour clock, you may also use a.m. and p.m. format.

When do you use the past tense in French?

Quick Recap on French Past Tense. The past tense is used when you talk about an action that took place and was completed in the past. To form the past tense, you use this formula: present tense of the verb avoir or être + the past participle. The past participle is obtained through using the indicative and changing the endings (-er verbs to -é,

How do you say half past in French?

As in English, there are special ways of saying midday and midnight. Minutes past the hour work the same way, except you don’t need the et. To say half past you add et demie to the end of the time phrase. But use et demi for midi and minuit. And for quarter past you add et quart.

How to write ” tell the time ” in French?

How to write times in French 1 Il est une heure cinq – It’s five past one 2 Il est deux heures dix – It’s ten past two 3 Il est dix heures vingt – It’s twenty past ten 4 Il est cinq heures vingt-cinq – It’s twenty-five past five

How to form the past participle in French?

How to form the French past participle. First, you start with the infinitive of the verb, and then proceed to the following changes in the ending. If the infinitive ends with an -er, replace the -er with -é.

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