
What is the difference between think and thinks?

What is the difference between think and thinks?

As verbs the difference between thinks and think is that thinks is (think) while think is (label) to ponder, to go over in one’s head or think can be (label) to seem, to appear.

How do I use thinks in a sentence?

Thinks sentence example

  1. He thinks you are better than us.
  2. He thinks that he makes a fine figure when he waits on you.
  3. Alex thinks someone spiked his punch.
  4. Some perp thinks Youngblood is the real deal; the Psychic Tipster, so he cuts him up like pork roast, gets to the truth, and dumps him.

Is thinks plural or singular?

The noun think can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be think. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be thinks e.g. in reference to various types of thinks or a collection of thinks.

What is mean by thinks?

1 : to form or have in the mind. 2 : to have as an intention thought to return early. 3a : to have as an opinion think it’s so. b : to regard as : consider think the rule unfair.

Who thinks or who think?

The indefinite interrogative pronoun “who” as “subject” is by usually singular in nature, so it takes singular agreement with the verb (who thinks), but there are some cases when “who” can be plural.

What is the example of feel?

The definition of feel is the perception or sensation of something or the sense of touch. An example of feel is when you go to a store and think it seems high end. An example of feel is when you run your hand over silk and it is smooth and soft. An emotional sensation or effect.

Is Give it a think correct?

English – U.S. It indicates a process. Think about it for awhile before deciding. Give it some thought, not just a single thought.

Who think or who thinks?

What is thinking in simple words?

: the action of using your mind to produce ideas, decisions, memories, etc. : the activity of thinking about something. : opinion or judgment. : a way of thinking that is characteristic of a particular group, time period, etc.

What kind of verb is I think?

Irregular verb: To Think.

How to use the word ” think ” in a sentence?

Present Simple – You can use this tense to show the act of thinking. You could say, “I usually think up new things for the website in the middle of the night.”. You can use this tense to express an opinion. You could say, “I think the internet gives people lots of opportunities to learn new things.”. Present Perfect…

When to use the tense’i have thought’?

Present Perfect Simple – Present Simple – You can use this tense to show the act of thinking. You could say, “I have thought of a new way to use the internet to learn English.” You can use this tense to express an opinion.

Which is the best tense for the Act of thinking?

The Present. Present Continuous – You would only use this tense to show the act of thinking. You could say “Be quiet! I’m thinking.”. Present Simple – You can use this tense to show the act of thinking. You could say, “I usually think up new things for the website in the middle of the night.”.

How to use ” I think ” as an irregular verb?

You can use this tense to express an opinion. You could say, “I think the internet gives people lots of opportunities to learn new things.” Present Simple – You can use this tense to show the act of thinking. You could say, “I have thought of a new way to use the internet to learn English.” You can use this tense to express an opinion.

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