
What is the purpose of a kardex?

What is the purpose of a kardex?

A Kardex is a brand name for an informational filing system that is used as a quick reference for nurses. It’s a desktop file system that gives a brief overview of each patient and is updated every shift. It is comprised of separate pages that contain a brief overview of individual patient care.

What is included in a kardex?

In that study, the Kardex included for each patient the name, age, status regarding whether or not to resuscitate the patient (Do Not Resuscitate status), marital status, religious affiliation, allergies, medical diagnoses, emergency contact numbers, permitted activities, and functional limitations.

What is kardex medical?

views 1,428,169 updated. Kardex (kar-deks) n. originally, the proprietary name for a filing system for nursing records and orders that was held centrally on the ward and contained all the nursing details and observations of patients that had been acquired during their stay in hospital.

What is a kardex CNA?

A Kardex is used by CNAs to help summarize a patient’s care. They can be either tangible or electronic and include information like patient biographical information, disabilities, diagnosis, medications, mobility status, and important allergies. Thinking of a Kardex as a patient cheat sheet is a memorable reference.

How do you fill in kardex?

must always be written in full. Avoid decimal points, i.e. use 500 mg not 0·5 g. If a decimal point cannot be avoided, always put a ‘0’ in front of it, e.g.’0·5 micrograms’ not ‘·5 micrograms’. It is not necessary to use a decimal point if the number is a round number, e.g. 7 mg not 7·0 mg.

What is discharge summary?

A discharge summary is a letter written by the doctor caring for you in hospital. It contains important information about your hospital visit, including: • Why you came into hospital • The results of any tests you had • The treatment you received • Any changes to your medication • What follow-up you need.

What is the difference between traditional and problem oriented medical record charting?

What is the difference between Traditional and Problem Oriented medical Record charting? POMR uses sections. Traditional focuses on interventions. POMR focuses on interventions.

What is cardex system?

Inventory in the earlier days used to be managed by a system known as cardex system. Bin cards were printed and kept in every bin location. Whenever inventory was put into the bin or removed, the card had to be updated.

What is BD in medication?

b.i.d., bid, bd. twice a day / twice daily / 2 times daily.

Why is discharge summary important?

Physicians and other practitioners need to know details about the care a patient receives during an inpatient hospital stay. Discharge summaries are an invaluable resource that may improve patient outcomes by providing for continuity and coordination of care and a safe transition to other care settings and providers.

Why do we need a discharge summary?

Discharge summaries are critical for ensuring well-coordinated and effective clinical handover because they are the primary communication mechanism between hospitals and primary healthcare providers.

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