
What is the repeating pattern of a minerals particles that form a solid?

What is the repeating pattern of a minerals particles that form a solid?

The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a crystal. The solid has flat sides that meet at sharp edges and corners.

What do the repetitive patterns in a mineral form quizlet?

The repeating pattern of a mineral’s atoms forms a mineral’s crystal structure. All the crystals of a mineral have the same crystal structure.

What do we call it when the atoms that make up a mineral repeat in the same pattern over and over?

Crystalline Solid A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in a regular, repeating pattern (Figure 2.2 below). The pattern of atoms in different samples of the same mineral is the same.

How can you tell if a mineral is magnetic?

The simplest test for magnetism is to use a compass. A magnetic material will move the needle away from its usual position, pointing northwards. In the picture, paperclips are attracted to the mineral magnetite. Simple chemical tests can be used to help us identify minerals.

What is the term for an irregular way a mineral breaks apart?

Fracture describes how a mineral looks when it breaks apart in an irregular way.

What is the term for an irregular way a mineral breaks apart quizlet?

cleavage. describes how a mineral looks when it breaks apart in an irregular way.

What is the repeating pattern of mineral particles called?

The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a: CRYSTAL. Log in for more information. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a what? The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a crystal.

What kind of solid is a repeating pattern?

The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles form a solid called a crystal. The particles of a crystal line up in a pattern that repeats.

How are the particles of a mineral lined up?

the particles of a mineral line up in a pattern that repeats over and over again. the repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a crystal. A crystal has flat sides, called faces, that meet at sharp edges and corners. a mineral has a definite chemical composition or range of compositions.

What does it mean when a mineral has flat sides?

The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a __. A __ has flat sides, called faces, that meet at sharp edges and corners. A mineral has a definite chemical composition or range of compositions. What does this mean? it means that a mineral always contains certain elements in definite proportions.

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