
What other word can be used for turning point?

What other word can be used for turning point?

Synonyms of turning point

  • climacteric,
  • climax,
  • corner,
  • landmark,
  • milepost,
  • milestone,
  • watershed.

What is the word for a turning point in a story?

The climax (from the Greek word κλῖμαξ, meaning “staircase” and “ladder”) or turning point of a narrative work is its point of highest tension and drama, or it is the time when the action starts during which the solution is given. The climax of a story is a literary element.

What is another word for climax of a story?

Some common synonyms of climax are acme, apex, culmination, peak, pinnacle, and summit.

What is the phrase of turning point?

: a point at which a significant change occurs.

Is turning point an idiom?

a time when things may change; a point at which a change of course is possible or desirable.

What is a turning point moment?

A turning point is a specific, significant moment when something begins to change. Historians might say that Rosa Parks’s famous bus protest was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement.

What is the part of speech of climax?

pronunciation: klaI maeks parts of speech: noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb features: Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer. part of speech: noun. definition 1: the point of highest interest or intensity in a series of increasingly important points or events.

What’s a climax of a story?

The CLIMAX of the story is when the CONFLICT of the PLOT is resolved.It is often the most exciting part of the story: when the hero saves the princess, discovers the buried treasure, or slays the dragon. Imagine when you read a story that you are climbing up a mountainside. The CLIMAX is the mountain peak.

What is the turning point of Romeo and Juliet?

In act 3 Scene 1, it shows the turning point of the whole account as one of Romeo? s best friend, Mercutio, is stabbed by Tybalt and died. Therefore, guilty Romeo decided to seek revenge and killed Tybalt.

What makes an event a turning point?

The dictionary defines “turning point” as a point at which a decisive change takes place. So a turning point in history is more than just an important event that happened a long time ago. It is an idea, event or action that directly, and sometimes indirectly, caused change.

What is a turning point in literature?

In literature, the turning point or climax is the point of highest tension in a narrative; it’s the most exciting and revealing part of a story.

What is another word for turning point?

Synonyms for Turning point: n. Other synonyms: • conversion, nadir, brink, tipping point, breaking point, steppingstone, cusp.

What are some examples of turning points?

Two examples of turning points in history are the bubonic plague in Europe and northern Africa where many died of a fatal disease, and Humanism that occurred in Europe where people valued the individual needs of the person over traditional authority. Both of these events were times of great change and effected the world on a large scale.

What is the turning point in history?

Turning Points in History. A turning point is defined as a period in history when a significant change occurs. Three of these turning points were the neolithic revolution, the age of exploration, and the collapse of communism in the soviet union.

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