
What types of food did the First Fleet eat?

What types of food did the First Fleet eat?

Convicts and soldiers received a weekly ration of:

  • 7 pounds of beef or 4 pounds of pork.
  • 7 pounds of bread or flour.
  • 3 pints peas.
  • 6 oz of butter.
  • 1/2 pound of rice or flour (from HRA vol. 1, p.

What did marines eat on the First Fleet?

Wild food – it was expected that fresh food would be procured from the natural environment – fish, seafood, game birds and animals, edible fruit and greens.

What did they carry on the First Fleet?

The fleet consisted of nine merchant ships – six of them carrying convicts and marines (Alexander, Charlotte, Friendship, Lady Penrhyn, Prince of Wales and Scarborough) and three loaded with stores and equipment (Borrowdale, Fishburn and Golden Grove) – and two naval vessels, the Sirius and the Supply.

What did free settlers eat on the ships?

In the first years of the New South Wales colony, food was so scarce that everyone—from the convicts to Governor Arthur Phillip—received rations. That means that each person received measured amounts of foods, such as pork, flour, and rice, which were brought to the colony by ship.

What did the people of the First Fleet eat?

Produce eaten consisted of any vegetables that could be successfully grown. The people of the First Fleet created a community garden that was tended by the prisoners.The prisoners did not always eat their rations, instead they traded them in exchange for rum.

What foods did the First Fleet bring to Australia?

Foods of the First Fleet: Convict 292 Food plants of Old Sydney Town Tim Low Fire-birds of the Top End 298 Richard Braithwaite and John Estbergs A Spine-bending Story 303 William Gladstone In Praise of Mud 322 Alan Jones Australian Ammonites 332 Ken McNamara FORUM

What kind of supplies did the First Fleet ships carry?

The ships of the First Fleet carried a variety of fresh supplies as well as foods to last for a longer period of time. Some of the supplies were to sustain the new settlement once it was established in New South Wales. Fresh supplies such as meats, fruits and vegetables had to be purchased at each of the stops along the way.

What foods were rationed in the Revolutionary War?

The standard rationed amount of food per man per week consisted of 4 pounds of salted pork or 7 pounds of beef, 7 pounds of flour or bread, 3 pints of dried peas, one half pound of rice and 6 ounces of butter. Men received the full ration weekly, while women received three-quarters and children one half.

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