
Who else won the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Who else won the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Winners of the Nobel Prize for Physics

year name country*
1921 Albert Einstein Switzerland
1922 Niels Bohr Denmark
1923 Robert Andrews Millikan U.S.
1924 Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn Sweden

Why is Max Born important?

Max Born was a German physicist who played a vital role in the evolution of quantum mechanics. His theoretical work in solid-state physics and optics is also considered very influential. Born shared the 1954 Nobel Prize for Physics with Walther Bothe for his statistical interpretation of quantum theory.

When did Max Born win the Nobel Prize?

For more updated biographical information, see: Born, Max, My Life: Recollections of a Nobel Laureate. Taylor & Francis, London, 1978. Max Born died on January 5, 1970. Twelve laureates were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2020, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.

Who was Max Born and what did he do?

Max Born was born in Breslau on the 11th December, 1882, to Professor Gustav Born, anatomist and embryologist, and his wife Margarete, née Kauffmann, who was a member of a Silesian family of industrialists.

When did Max Born go to Gottingen University?

Max Born went to Göttingen as Professor in 1921, at the same time as James Franck, and he remained there for twelve years, interrupted only by a trip to America in 1925.

Who are the Nobel Prize winners for 2020?

Twelve laureates were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2020, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. Their work and discoveries range from the formation of black holes and genetic scissors to efforts to combat hunger and develop new auction formats.

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