
What are the names of the servants who care for Mr Rochester at Ferndean in Jane Eyre?

What are the names of the servants who care for Mr Rochester at Ferndean in Jane Eyre?

1. What are the names of the servants who care for Rochester at Ferndean?

  • John and Clara.
  • Reginald and Mrs. Fairfax.
  • Mrs. Fairfax and Grace Poole.
  • John and Mary.

Which character is in love with Rosamond?

St John loves Miss Rosamund but will not marry her, as he believes she will not make a good missionary’s wife. St John isolates himself from Miss Rosamund by being cold-hearted and distant. He does this, as he believes God has called him to become a missionary.

Why did Rochester marry Bertha Mason?

Despite never being alone with her, and supposedly having had scarcely any interaction or conversation with her, he married her for her wealth and beauty, and with fierce encouragement from his own father and the Mason family. Rochester and Bertha began their lives as husband and wife in Jamaica.

Who is the servant at Gateshead?

Bessie Lee—Servant at Gateshead Hall.

Why is Mr. Rochester blind?

Rochester saved his servants and tried to save his wife, but she flung herself from the roof as the fire raged around her. In the fire, Rochester lost a hand and went blind. He has taken up residence in a house called Ferndean, located deep in the forest, with John and Mary, two elderly servants.

Why does Mr. Rochester call Jane Janet?

Rochester calls Jane “Janet” in an attempt to alienate Jane from her “plain” persona. It’s a fact that Jane enjoys simplicity; however, Jane is only plain in her style and appearance.

Why does St John not marry Rosamond?

Rosamond Oliver is the beautiful young woman whom St. John is not-so-secretly in love with, but won’t allow himself to marry because she wouldn’t make a good missionary wife. We suspect that he also enjoys torturing himself by denying his passion for her.

How old is Mr Rochester?

Rochester is described as being between thirty-five and forty years old. When Jane first encounters him, she describes him as a man who is “past youth, but had not reached middle-age; perhaps he might be thirty-five.” Later, Mrs.

What is wrong with Bertha Rochester?

Bertha Mason had a familial, progressive, primarily psychiatric disease with violent movements that culminated in premature death. Other diagnoses to consider include Huntington disease-like illnesses.

Why does Rochester call her Bertha?

Rochester refers to Antoinette as “Bertha” as a way of ensuring that she surrenders into his idea of a woman, as opposed to who she truly is.

Who is Mr Brocklehurst based on?

William Carus Wilson
William Carus Wilson (7 July 1791 – 30 December 1859) was an English churchman and the founder and editor of the long-lived monthly The Children’s Friend. He was the inspiration for Mr Brocklehurst, the autocratic head of Lowood School, depicted by Charlotte Brontë in her 1847 novel Jane Eyre.

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