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Did Maori get Bastion Point back?
1 July 1988 The protesters, under the banner of the Ōrākei Māori Action Committee, refused to leave their ancestral lands and occupied Bastion Point for 506 days. Ten years later the Waitangi Tribunal supported Māori claims to the land, and the government accepted this finding.
When was Bastion Point taken from the Maori?
25 May 1978 Police and army personnel removed 222 people from Bastion Point, above Auckland’s Waitematā Harbour, ending an occupation that had lasted 506 days. Local iwi Ngāti Whātua were protesting against the loss of land in the Ōrākei block, which had once been declared ‘absolutely inalienable’.
What happened to Bastion Point land?
The tribe mounted a 506-day occupation of the site in 1977–78. The protest ended when the government sent in police to clear the protesters and demolish their makeshift homes. The new housing was never built and under a Treaty of Waitangi settlement much of the land was returned to Ngāti Whātua.
How does Bastion Point relate to the Treaty of Waitangi?
The protest at Bastion Point was inconsistent with the Treaty of Waitangi because the protesters broke the law by trespassing. The Waitangi Tribunal did not comment on whether the protesters’ convictions should remain.
What is the Māori name for Bastion Point?
Bastion Point (Māori: Takaparawhau) is a coastal piece of land in Orakei, Auckland, New Zealand, overlooking the Waitematā Harbour. The area is significant in New Zealand history as the site of protests in the late 1970s by Māori against forced land alienation by pākehā (European settlers).
How did Bastion Point begin?
The occupation of Bastion Point lasted 506 days. It began on 5 January 1977, and ended on 25 May 1978 (the 507th day), when 222 protesters were evicted and arrested by police. After the end of the occupation, Ngāti Whātua filed claims to the Waitangi Tribunal, which the government largely accepted.
Can you drive up Bastion Point?
Bastion Point overlooks Waitemata Harbour and the views are among the best in Auckland. The drive up to the Point and to the MJ Savage Monument winds its way through the greenest grass imaginable.
What does Takaparawhau mean?
Takaparawhau (Bastion Point), where the Marae is based, is steeped in history and boasts spectacular views of the Waitematā Harbour and the greater Auckland area. Ōrākei Marae is a living breathing part of the Ngāti Whātua people.
Where was Bastion Point located in New Zealand?
In Orakei, Auckland, New Zealand, there is a coastal piece of land that overlooks Waitemata Harbour called Takaparawhau in Māori and Bastion Point in English. Before the colonization of the land by the British Crown, it provided shelter, rich fishing and farming areas for the Ngāti Whātua people, a Māori iwi (tribe).
When did the Crown take ownership of Bastion Point?
In 1886, the Crown used the Public Works Act 1882 (46 Vict No 37) to take ownership of 13 acres (5.3 ha) of Bastion Point for this purpose of defence. When in 1941 the Crown no longer needed Bastion Point for defence, it did not return the land to its traditional Māori owners but instead gifted it to the Auckland City Council for a reserve.
Why was Bastion Point sold to corporate use?
The tipping point came in 1967 when the national government announced that Bastion Point would be sold to the highest-corporate bidder for the purpose of developing the land for high-income housing. The Māori asked for the land to be returned to them, since it had been originally been taken for public, not corporate, use.
How long did the occupation of Bastion Point last?
The occupation of Bastion Point lasted 507 days and finally ended on 25 May 1978 when 800 New Zealand police officers and soldiers forcibly removed the occupiers. The removers destroyed the temporary buildings, vegetable gardens, and a meeting house, all of which were constructed to accommodate the participants during the protest.