
How do you vend in Flyff?

How do you vend in Flyff?

Navigate to the Start Menu and select AFK Helpers, just below the Private Shop. Here you can select “Spawn 24h” or “Spawn 6”, depending on if you have Scroll of Premium activated. A Private Shop window will open, and you can place all the items you intend for your AFK Vendor to sell.

How do you sell items to NPC in Flyff?

To sell an item in the consignment shop you go to ‘sell’ at the top and drag the item you wish to sell from your inventory window into the consignment shop window, a small box will appear allowing you to select the quantity to be sold and the amount per item.

How do I open a shop in Flyff?

In-game, click the “menu” button located at the lower left corner of the screen, then click “Premium Items” and finally “Flyff Shop” to open the Flyff Shop in your web browser.

What do you need to do to make money in Flyff?

You need as much Vend time as you can get your hands on. Shops are mainly for selling the things like Sunstones/Moonstones and awakened items you will find. For those of you who can’t open shops at all due to the fact that it isn’t your computer etc. You will be doing a lot of Full Shouting to try and sell your items.

Do you need time to vend in Flyff?

Vending will not really help you if you do not have the time or resources to do it. You need as much Vend time as you can get your hands on. Shops are mainly for selling the things like Sunstones/Moonstones and awakened items you will find. For those of you who can’t open shops at all due to the fact that it isn’t your computer etc.

What can you sell awakened items for in Flyff?

Awakened items with Positive and Useful awakenings can sell for extremely large amounts of Penya in player shops.

Where do you find the puppy in Flyff?

The puppy can be found far to the north near Grownup Lawolfs , Look for the scroll shape item under a tree , The reward 15,000 Penya!!!

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