
How many countries border Spain?

How many countries border Spain?

five countries
A map situating Spain within Europe. Spain has a total land border of 1,191.7 miles long that is shared by five countries: Morocco, Andorra, France, Portugal, and Gibraltar. The country also borders the Mediterranean Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic Ocean.

What’s the only country bordering Spain that is not in Europe?


Principality of Andorra Principat d’Andorra (Catalan)
• Constitution 2 February 1993
• Total 467.63 km2 (180.55 sq mi) (178th)
• Water (%) 0.26 (121.4 ha)

Does Spain border Italy?

About Italy. Italy shares maritime borders with Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Greece, Libya, Malta, Montenegro, Spain, and Tunisia. Two of the largest Mediterranean islands belong to the country, Sardinia in the west and Sicily in the south.

What is the closest country to Spain?

Spain is bordered by Portugal in the west, by France and Andorra in the northeast. It shares borders with Morocco at the Spanish coastal exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, the two permanently inhabited Spanish autonomous cities in Northern Africa. Spain also shares maritime borders with Algeria and Italy.

What 3 foreign countries are next to Spain?

Spain is bordered by the Bay of Biscay, the Balearic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Alboran Sea; Portugal to the west and France and Andorra to the north.

What is Spain famous for?

Top 12 Things Spain is Famous for in the world

  • Siesta. The Spaniards are probably the most laid-back people in the world and everyone knows that.
  • Mediterranean Beaches.
  • Calat Alhambra.
  • Alcohol And Drinks.
  • La Sagrada Familia.
  • Spanish Football.
  • Paella.
  • La Tomatina.

Which country is only bordered by Spain?

Portugal borders the country in the west, Gibraltar in the south, France and Andorra in the northeast while Morocco is bordered by Spain’s autonomous cities of Melilla and Ceuta . Of these countries, Portugal has the longest border with Spain, stretching 754 miles, while Gibraltar has the shortest, with a length of only 0.75 miles.

How many countries does Spain border and what are they?

Spain has a total land border of 1,191.7 miles long that is shared by five countries: Morocco, Andorra, France, Portugal, and Gibraltar. The country also borders the Mediterranean Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic Ocean.

What two countries does Spain border?

Spain shares its borders with five countries: Morocco, Andorra, France, Portugal, and Gibraltar .

What separates Spain from Morocco?

The Strait of Gibraltar separates Spain from Morocco.

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